Author Topic: Hot Air choke  (Read 3074 times)

Offline Paul

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Hot Air choke
« on: April 26, 2011, 09:26:33 AM »
In an earlier post I asked how to seal the vacume port on the carb that supplies vacume to the hot air choke housing, melting lead into the hole was sugested, split shot sinkers, also fuel resistance epoxy was sugested.
 Great advice guys thankyou! Here's what I did, I found 2 split shot sinkers about 1.5 times bigger than the inner hole, tamped them both into the inner hole, then sealed the rest of the hole with fuel resistance epoxy, all the way to the outer edge. I hav'nt put the carb into service yet, but it should work great. I bought this carb, # 17057266, already rebuilt for $80.00. Took it apart and rebuilt it according to the minimum recomendations of recipe #3, for the Pontiac 455 30 over. For a rebuild the carb would have been a major disapointment, first the pump was not made to withstand the newer fuels, second the float was set way, way to low, about half of what it should have been!! The carb is done, man did I learn alot. Many thanks to Cliff,His book and all the friendly advice from the folks here! And a special thanks to my Wife for allowing me to use the kitchen and table for the rebuild. The sad thing is, the carb will be sitting on the shelf boxed up for a few months until the engine is ready. Because of my excitement im tempted to throw it on any engine just to test it out  ;D.