Author Topic: WOT, unloader will not open choke plate as per cliffs recommendation.  (Read 2945 times)

Offline Tstates

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I have rebuilt my Quad as per cliffs book.  It runs fantastic.  I have been trying to tweak various adjustments, like the unloader for the choke.  When I open throttle wide open, the choke plate only opens only about 1/6th "  I can not figure out how to adjust the linkage.  It has a new electric choke and 2 choke pulloffs.  The choke opens up after start, and ultimately is vertical once warm, seems to be set pretty close to perfect.  Maybe I need a diagram or something?? 
Thanks in advance. ??? 

Offline omaha

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   I think the unloader adjustment involves bending a little "tang" (i guess thats what its called officially).
iIts on the chokeside of the carb attached to the prim. throttlr shaft. You are correct in that there is more to adjusting the choke than what most would think. Fast idle,choke pulloff opening demension, the rod going to the flap, the unloader= all these things can be adjusted.  The tang for the unloader contacts another lever which us attached to the shaft coming out of the choke housing. (btw, make sure you are getting wide open throttle on your linkages).

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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It supposed to open the choke flap a small amount so you can start the engine with the choke closed if it's flooded.

A carb number would help as well, as there are quite a few different pull-offs and set-ups?.....Cliff