Author Topic: Primairies still leaking  (Read 3305 times)

Offline Peer81

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Primairies still leaking
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:51:36 PM »
After rebuilding my carb with Cliff's bottom plug kit the primairies are still wet and leaking.
So the question, what can I do now?
I'll post some pictures tomorrow but this is what I have done while rebuilding.
First took out the original plugs then threaded the inside with the right tap. After that I mixted some tex. Put it on the inside of the thread in the primairies and on the outside thread of the new plugs. Then put the plug into the threaded hole. After that spread some tex over the plug the finish it. To me there is no way the plug could ever leak again but it does.

I was thinking maybe I can grind the top tex away and redo it from there but it will be no better then a temporary fix.
Idea's? :)

Greetings Peter

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Re: Primairies still leaking
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2011, 01:40:16 PM »
And the pictures.

Btw I used JB Weld to fix the plugs.

Greetings Peter

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Primairies still leaking
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 05:04:19 AM »
I'm a bit confused by the JB Weld in the pics?

JB Weld will NOT hold back fuel, every carb I get in here that's been glued up with it leaks, and the stuff peels right off.

Tapping the holes for the threaded plugs coated with Marine Tex is a permanent repair.  Never to date got one back that leaked thru the glue, unless the carb was cracked or split higher up that the repair was made......Cliff

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Re: Primairies still leaking
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2011, 01:24:08 AM »
Oke, then I know what the problem is. And I was thinking JB Weld was the best to get for this fix, guess not.  :-\

I'll order some marine tex to get it right this time but now the next problem, getting the JB Weld off and getting the threaded plugs out again. I was thinking to locally heat up the fuel bowl at the primairies to about 400F with a flame torch to get the JB off. Could this hurt a empty fuel bowl (with nothing attached)?
Other or better ways to remove the JB are always welcome :)

Greetings Peter

Offline Peer81

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Re: Primairies still leaking
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2011, 09:08:56 AM »
It wasn't so hard as I thought it would be. Removed all the plugs from one fuel bowl, and all exept one from my spare fuel bowl. Now find a way to remove the last one, I think drilling it out is about the only option left.
Now order some Marine Tex and rebuild everything :)

Greetings Peter