Author Topic: CCC q-jet or non CCC q-jet for HT383 engine  (Read 6709 times)

Offline 454scotty454

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CCC q-jet or non CCC q-jet for HT383 engine
« on: April 19, 2011, 12:20:06 PM »
Dear All,
    I have an engine swap planned for my 88 chevy caprice. Currently it has the stock 350 (police package) with the CCC q-jet and all emissions hooked up. I am planning on swapping in a GM HT383 engine and was wondering if I should keep the CCC q-jet or install a non CCC q-jet. I already have a stock 1904 edelbrock q-jet that I could use. The crate engine also comes with a regular distributor. I do not need to keep the emissions to pass inspection either.

I was just wondering if the CCC q-jet would handle this engine or be worth trying to get it to work with that engine. I realize that I will need to modify either carburetor to get it to work.


Offline willie

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Re: CCC q-jet or non CCC q-jet for HT383 engine
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 10:26:45 PM »
my vote goes for non ccc qjet since you have a regular hei dist. :)

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: CCC q-jet or non CCC q-jet for HT383 engine
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2011, 03:15:30 AM »
The computer only controls the carb at part throttle via the Mixture Control Solenoid. 

Those carbs have the same potential everyplace as the non CCC units.

We've set them up for strong running later Camaro's, Firebirds, 442's and Monte Carlo SS's.  A few go into the 11's with them at the track using stout roller cammed SBC engines.....Cliff

Offline 454scotty454

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Re: CCC q-jet or non CCC q-jet for HT383 engine
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2011, 07:37:01 AM »
    I have read that the CCC qjet can be tuned for all out power. The secondaries are just like the non-electronic qjet, which is very well explained in your book and Roe's. My concern is the primary side of the carb. I know there is nothing available for the main jets and rods. Will the electronically controlled primary keep up with this engine on the street? Almost all of my driving will be on the street running mostly on the primaries. Plus your book and Roe's do not touch upon tuning the primary side of the electronic carb. Did those cars need any computer work too, as I heard the big limitation is the spark advance built into the computer.
Thanks for the help

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: CCC q-jet or non CCC q-jet for HT383 engine
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2011, 03:25:55 AM »
The primary side on the CCC units only controls part throttle A/F, nothing else.  Idle and heavy/full throttle is not computer controlled.

Like non CCC units, some will have large main airbleeds, which may end up not being enough fuel for the new engine at cruise.  If it doesn't some within "range", we can supply smaller main airbleeds to get the fuel curve where it needs to be.

Don't know about the spark curves from the computer, as each application is likely to be different?....Cliff

Offline 454scotty454

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Re: CCC q-jet or non CCC q-jet for HT383 engine
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2011, 10:34:25 AM »
    I just diagnosed my fuel delivery problem!!!! The fuel pump pushrod was worn out so bad that it was 1/2 inch shorter than the replacement pushrod. I am certain that this was causing my fuel delivery problem. I smoked the starter so I didn't get the car started again to test this observation out. But I will keep you all posted. The stock small block chevy pushrod length is 5.75 inches.

Cliff I will be calling the shop soon for a rebuild kit and some advice for this CCC-qjet. Should I measure idle bleeds, main air bleeds and other passages first before I order a kit? Or check it once I tear it apart?

Thanks everyone!

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: CCC q-jet or non CCC q-jet for HT383 engine
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2011, 01:30:04 AM »
Good news, I'll add that to the list of things I never thought about related to fuel delivery.....Cliff

Offline 454scotty454

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Re: CCC q-jet or non CCC q-jet for HT383 engine
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2011, 06:34:09 AM »
    I got the starter in and the car runs MUCH better. No lean out on part throttle or falling flat on its face under full throttle! My brother talked to the old timer mechanics at his work (Chevy dealership) and they said the fuel pump pushrod is a wear item and was replaced when replacing a fuel pump. I never knew! The engine has 190K so I'm sure most people will not experience this due to engines not kept in service that long.

Hope this helps people out