Author Topic: setup on 17057274 for 78 trans am  (Read 4307 times)

Offline 68 Firebird

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setup on 17057274 for 78 trans am
« on: August 24, 2011, 06:10:33 PM »
Hey Cliff I am working on my friends car and ordering some parts tonight for the
carb rebuild.  My question is on the recipe for the carb, I believe recipe #1 would be
a good start.  Here are the specs

78 Trans Am with 4 spd
currently motor is from a 77 auto and believed to be stock cam.
6x-8 heads
Factory HEI with inital at 18 and 36 total using ported vacuum advance
exhaust is a duels setup, with and H-pipe after cats. 2.25 pipes
Has a 71 pontiac intake and Q-jet(current Qjet lean at idle)
If you cover primaries to richen carb idle greatly improves, smoothes out
and speeds up.
He is planning on using one of his spare carbs for a 77 auto 400 #17057274
and will be converting to elec choke as well. 
Just wanted to know where you recommend setting it up to

Gerry Ciottariello 

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: setup on 17057274 for 78 trans am
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2011, 06:51:14 PM »
That carburetor shouldn't need much help for a stock 77 400 engine.  I would completely and correctly rebuild it with one of our kits, making sure to remove the idle tubes and clean in and under them.  They are probably partially obstructed from years of drying up cycles. 

The stock specs on the 17057274 are pretty close to "recipe" 1 in our book, and that's the same carburetor I use on my own engine......Cliff

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Re: setup on 17057274 for 78 trans am
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 04:19:37 PM »
Cliff it was nice talking to this morning.  Thanks for the setup and parts advice.

I always learn something new.

Now  just have to wait for Irene to blow thru and the parts I ordered  to arrive.

Thanks again!

Gerry Ciottariello

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: setup on 17057274 for 78 trans am
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2011, 02:51:26 AM »
I've been watching the storm, seems like it's trying to decide which way to go, which is hopefully back out to sea!

A couple of years ago one of the Hurricanes that hit the Gulf came clear across the country and dumped on us here in Ohio.  I lost the biggest tree on my property, and 5 other trees in the wind it brought with it.  I never knew they could retain so much energy once they got over land.......Cliff