Author Topic: New guy with a question  (Read 4137 times)

Offline 71_k10

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New guy with a question
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:48:20 AM »
Bought your book Cliff and about have it memorized. :D I am going through my 72 Chevy truck carb and have a question about plugging the main fuel wells.  I have a 10-32 tap, screws  and am about to drill and tap the holes. My question is can you tell me exactly how long the screws should be if I am using the screws that you show in the book?  I would hate to go to deep. 
I have also found that this carb doesn't have secondary accelerating well tubes, can I assume someone in the past didn't add them back or did some not have the tubes originall?  I have the tubes and I plan to install them, unless there's a reason not to.
Thank you


Offline 71_k10

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Re: New guy with a question
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2009, 01:31:33 PM »
Oh, buy the way, the carb is a 7042208

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: New guy with a question
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2009, 03:46:41 AM »
There isn't much room as just beyond the plugs are the bottoms of the jets when they are screwed into the main casting.

A few years ago I started using 10-32 set screws, and only tapping in a few turns so they would seat tight and flush with the casting surface.  They are pretty short, apprx 1/4" long.

We sell the screws to seal up the bottom plugs separately, to do the front plugs and the larger rear ones as well.  $4 for the set, beats having to buy 50 or 100 of them from a fastener store!......Cliff

Offline 71_k10

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Re: New guy with a question
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2009, 11:04:06 AM »
Thanks Cliff, I already bought everything I need for this carb including the 2 screws before I found your  great site.  I will be purchasing items from you in the future though.
Thanks again for the great site.
