Author Topic: Flooding after warmup  (Read 2410 times)

Offline MattG

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Flooding after warmup
« on: January 10, 2012, 05:19:54 AM »
Quad off of a 79 blazer w/ 350. Rebuilt it about 5 years ago using cliff's book/kit. Problem I have always had with it since.

When cold, first startup, it will start right up at first hit, which is nice. Once warmed up though, if it sits for any period of time, it seems to flood itself. You can smell raw gas in the garage once parked, and the exhaust always smells as if running rich, but it will take a long time cranking to get it started if it's warm. Then it blows solid black smoke from all the gas that settled.

I thought it was the plugs leaking, so I sealed them all of them with epoxy, and it seemed to help for about a week, and now is worse than ever. It also looks like it is leaking gas out of the vent tube on top. This only started after I rebuilt it. Could it be the plugs, or maybe the float is off? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Offline 73 Z28

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Re: Flooding after warmup
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 09:39:58 AM »
Sounds like you may have a fuel saturated float but you may also want to recheck the choke setting and your idle mixture screw settings. If the choke is set too rich, your cold start up will be great but after the engine has warmed, you'll be running too rich. Fuel coming out of the vent could be a sunken float or debris between the needle and seat preventing it from shutting off fuel flow as the float raises. These are a couple of things to check.

Good Luck!!

Offline MattG

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Re: Flooding after warmup
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 12:49:06 PM »
Thanks for the reply. I did pull it apart. Checked the fuel inlet seat and many other things. The fuel inlet seat was clean and appeared to be sealing by the ring that was inside it. I did recheck the float stop, and it appeared too high.Which thinking could make sense by the fuel I was seeing out the top of the air horn. The float was dry and not taking on water/fuel. Everything else was clean and appeared to be working as it should. Nothing clogged and no dirt or sediment inside. I checked the plugs that I expoxied and could not see where fuel was getting past it.

I ended up putting it back together after readjusting the float. I will adjust the APT and air fuel mixture a little tighter and see if I see any improvement. Thanks again!