Author Topic: 7042250 in 72 Cutlass recipe?  (Read 4301 times)

Offline IN10SS

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7042250 in 72 Cutlass recipe?
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:22:00 AM »
Hi Guys,
I'm rebuilding this carb on the 350 in my Cutlass to recipe 1 for a stock engine with only upgrades dual exhaust and open element K&N.  Everything was pretty standard in the idle circuit except it had idle air (.055") and .110" holes in the primary plates.  I opened up the idle tubes to .036, down channel to .046" and opened mixture holes to .090".  It has a hot air choke I am not changing.
 I have a couple of questions on things I haven't run into on the other Q-jets I've worked on.  This carb has an adjustment screw in the baseplate that is some type APT and power piston is long with a rod on the bottom that goes through the main body and rests on this.   I was able to drill out the cap over the screw and remove to clean it and verify it's functionality.  There was no spring under the power piston and it looks like it would need a longer than stock one?  I did get a selection in Cliff's kit and the green one looks longer than the others. 
This also has the extra two tubes and primary pullover enrichment circuit which the book describes as ineffective and not needed.  I have not modified anything in it yet and not sure if I should leave it alone, re-size, or plug.
The other confusing thing is the main air bleeds are only .041", the main jets are 70's, and the primary rods are stamped 50B with a dual taper and .026" tip.  None of the guidelines discussed in the book seem to apply to this combination and for this mild application I've considered just leaving it untouched, except it would likely be difficult and touchy to tune.  Thoughts or ideas?
I did replace bushings and open up the secondary holes slightly and notched the plates.
Sorry for the long post.  Any opinions are appreciated greatly!
72 Cutlass Convertible, my blue baby
10 Ultra Classic, two wheel easy chair
03 Dakota 4x4 fun

Offline IN10SS

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Re: 7042250 in 72 Cutlass recipe?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2012, 06:31:17 AM »
Does anybody have any experience with this combo or ideas on how to proceed?  I've just stopped until I have some idea on how to complete this one so any thoughts are welcome. 
72 Cutlass Convertible, my blue baby
10 Ultra Classic, two wheel easy chair
03 Dakota 4x4 fun

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7042250 in 72 Cutlass recipe?
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2012, 03:34:18 AM »
It uses a power piston spring, must have been omitted in an earlier build.

They used the APT system in the baseplate to fine tune part throttle per application, then sealed it off.

We make an external screw for that location, with a spring on it.  It is a nice feature if you can get it free'd up.

On those units I leave all the airbleeds stock, but install "B" series primary metering rods to provide more control with the APT once it's placed in service......Cliff

Offline IN10SS

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Re: 7042250 in 72 Cutlass recipe?
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2012, 03:57:31 AM »
Thanks Cliff!  I'll order the B rods and screw/spring, and electric choke conversion today.  What main jet?  I'll probably need that too.  Thanks again!
72 Cutlass Convertible, my blue baby
10 Ultra Classic, two wheel easy chair
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Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7042250 in 72 Cutlass recipe?
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2012, 03:32:57 AM »
I'd stick with the stock size, just get new ones, as any used jet is going to be worn some from many years of the metering rods sliding up and down in them.....Cliff