We have discussed this via e-mail, but I thought this might be of some benefit to this forum, so I am posting this here.
I have a hybrid Q-Jet built from a 1978 Olds main body (17058553) and 1975 Pontiac (7045568) throttle body and air horn. My idle/main upper/lower air bleeds have all been sized to .070" and I am currently running a .072" (size verified) main jet with a 40K primary metering rod that actually measures .0385", tapering down to .035" with the usual .026" power tip. APT is 2.5 turns out with correct tip-in of -100 rpm @ 2500 rpm no load.
My idle tubes are .037" with a .055" down channel. Idle bypass is .125" (up from .109" stock) and idle is a very stable 650-675 rpm @ 13-14 in/Hg with 231°/235° - 110° camshaft and Rhoads Lifters in 413 CID Pontiac.
This carb works perfectly everywhere (371 RWHP/393 RWTQ on first dyno pull without any tuning) except at very light, part-throttle, such as 'creeping' through a parking lot in first gear. This is where there is a definite lean surge that clears up as soon as you open the throttles past the transfer slots.
As I recall, idle transfer circuit is 100% fueled by the idle tube/down channel restriction, so would an increase in tube/restriction be prudent in this case?
