Cliff's Quadrajet Parts and Rebuild Kits
General Category => Shop News => Topic started by: Cliff Ruggles on October 16, 2015, 05:41:55 AM
Getting a LOT of free tech calls to the shop in recent months, and we just can NOT take that kind of call volume and get any work done.
Even worse, about 90 percent of the time the persons calling have bought cheap over the counter kits, or the junk they are pushing on Ebay and installed those parts, then asking us to crawl thru the phone and fix all the issues.
To top that off, when we recommend installing different or better parts, the same folks baulk on that deal and don't want to buy anything.
This is frustrating for both parties for sure.
First, we don't make any money to keep our doors open on these long/lengthy conversations. I'd also add that keeping us on the phone hurts paying customers as we can't get their carburetors built or parts orders filled.
For this reason we are referring these callers either back to whom they bought the parts from, or to the website where they can post their questions and issues to get further assistance with them.
For those folks that are wanting to buy parts, or have bought parts and need assistance, let us know this when we take your call. If you get an answering machine leave a detailed message that you want to purchase parts, or need help with parts you have purchased, and your name will go to the top of the call back list......thanks....Cliff
Wanted to bump this topic to the top.
We are still getting more "free tech" calls to the shop than I can handle, and when my employees answer the phone they are getting tied up for countless hours with questions as well.
Ray just spent over an hour on the phone yesterday with a couple of phone calls and sold nothing. I could here him answering all sorts of tech questions and trying to help out, but the callers were not interested in buying good parts or the correct parts, they just wanted someone to crawl thru the phone and fix their carburetor.
We're pretty good at fixing carbs here, but haven't mastered that trick yet!
Seriously folks, if you installed a cheap POS kit or sourced out everything someplace else, and your carb isn't working correctly, I'd start by getting one of our kits for it. You will find them far more complete than anything else, and we will include custom tuning parts if/as needed if you have changed the application some. 99 times out of 100 installing all the parts with correct settings will correct your issues. At that point if they don't, we'll be glad to help out with technical assistance.....Cliff
Just a reminder for those that read this thread to leave a good message and phone number if you are calling the shop for parts.
If you have questions about having us work on your carb, same thing, leave a message telling us why you are calling, and a good phone number so we can call you back.
If you don't get a call back it's likely we didn't get the phone number written down correctly. Folks often call from cell phones with a LOT of background noise going on, and we don't get the number written down correctly.
We respond to ALL emails and phone calls to the shop, sooner or later, so if you don't get a response, try again, the email may be lost in cyberspace or we may not have got your phone number written down correctly......Cliff