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Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / Re: Removing the idle down channel restrictions
« Last post by Cadman-iac on February 04, 2025, 01:27:13 PM »
I use 10-32 x 1/4 in. long brass set screws. Have to shorten the tubes a bit drill the set screw & solder the tube in.
As for removing the restrictions a drill bit that is slightly bigger that the cup will grab it & sip it loose.

 Just tried this, works great, thanks for the tip.
Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / Re: New accelerator pumps, which one?
« Last post by Cadman-iac on February 04, 2025, 01:26:08 PM »
 Thanks for the clarification.
Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / Re: Repairing a main well plug leak
« Last post by Cadman-iac on February 04, 2025, 01:25:00 PM »
"I couldn't find how you do it in your book, thus the question posted previously"

Bottom plug leak testing and repair is covered at the beginning of Chapter 5 pages 71-72.

 I see that now, just looked at the book. I had read that years ago but hadn't had a carburetor that needed the plugs replaced until just recently and I had forgotten about what you said and went with what I had done in the past. I won't make this mistake again, thanks.
Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / Re: 17057231 specs?
« Last post by Cadman-iac on February 04, 2025, 01:21:38 PM »
  Thanks Cliff,

 I guess I am in need of a kit for it then. Can I order it directly from your website or should I call and speak with you about this?

Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / Re: Ethanol free fuel
« Last post by Cadman-iac on February 04, 2025, 01:19:18 PM »
 Yup, the last couple of carbs I've torn down that had recently been used so had been exposed to the ethanol fuel had bad pump seals.
Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / IDCR's and their effect on deceleration enrichment
« Last post by Cadman-iac on February 04, 2025, 01:16:58 PM »
   I'm currently using a 17057512 on a 350 with a 9.35:1 compression and stock TBI heads, (don't say it!) I should have used older heads but my intention was to go stock and use the TBI, but the roller cam wouldn't play nice with the computer, so 1 lobotomy later I now have a Q-Jet on an Edelbrock air-gap intake.  (I figured if I'm going old school, go all the way).
 I told the machinist what I wanted to do and he suggested a roller cam and flat-top pistons that would work with the computer. (I should have ordered it all myself but thought he'd been doing this for years, he knows what he's doing,  RIIIIGGHHTTT!!!)
  Anyway,  the CompCams specs are 206/210 @ .050 with an LSA of 112°. It runs really good, just don't want to fry it by not getting the AFR right. The computer couldn't do it without a modified chip and who knows what else. $$$$$$$$

  I don't know if I have this right or not but here’s what's going on.
 I have a really good AFR on idle and during cruise mode, but when I would release the throttle the AFR  would go extremely rich (for about 30 seconds or so) to 10.0 then it would settle back to normal, around 14.3-14.7 roughly.
 I tried adjusting that out of it with the mixture screws, but that really only messed up the idle, it didn't effect the deceleration AFR.
 So I figured that maybe the IDCR's were too big causing it to draw more fuel from the idle circuit on decel, and I should use smaller ones.  It has  .056's in it now,  if I reduce the size to  .048 and raise the APT a bit to compensate for it would this work?
  Here's the complete specs on the carb as close as possible:
Carb# 17057512
 Idle tubes-  .035"
IDCR-  .056"
UIAB-  .070"
LIAB-  .062"
Bypass air- .099"
Mix holes-  .080"
Float- 15/32"
UPAB- .050"
LPAB- .064"
JETS- 73
Primary rods- 49M
Accl pump noz.- .025"
Sec. rods- DP
Hangar- K
Sec.air tubes- .038"
Sec. well holes- .039"
Air valve spring- 7/8 turn
Sec. actuation lever- long
Power Piston spring- 4"-9"
APT set @ 2 turns up from bottom
Accl pump lever hole-  inner

 Am I on the right track, or all messed up? Please advise. Thanks.
Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / Re: Who is Lars ?
« Last post by Pav8427 on February 04, 2025, 09:13:52 AM »
Lars has some really good info put together for Quadrajets and timing.
And he is constantly updating that info.
Make sure to contact him directly for the latest and greatest version
Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / Re: Who is Lars ?
« Last post by GSP7 on February 04, 2025, 08:22:10 AM »

 :) 8)
Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / Re: Who is Lars ?
« Last post by Cliff Ruggles on February 04, 2025, 06:59:08 AM »
Update, I was just informed that Lars is no longer building distributors, but still taking in some carburetor work....
Quadrajet Carb Talk and Tips / Re: Who is Lars ?
« Last post by Cliff Ruggles on February 04, 2025, 06:13:15 AM »
Lars is a HUGE Corvette guru and a carburetor and distributor rebuilding/tuning expert.

He's actually a retired aerospace engineer currently dedicating a lot of his time to providing information on the Corvette Forum and providing carburetor and distributor rebuilding services.

We've been doing business together for many years now, and he uses my Quadrajet rebuild parts in his builds.  We also converse on an almost daily basis sharing information back and forth.

Even though I'm retired from rebuilding/restoring carburetors Lars is still taking in some of that work, most of it for Chevrolet applications, and specializes in Corvette carbs and distributors.

He also does a good many Holley carburetors for them as well.  He can be contacted thru the Corvette Forum by PM or email.......
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