« Last post by Cadman-iac on January 30, 2025, 08:50:58 AM »
I was curious to know how others were removing the restrictions without damage to either the body or the restriction.
I've been using Cliff's method of using a screw and pliers to pull them out, but it doesn't work all the time. If the restriction is too tight in the body this only cuts the lip on the restriction without pulling it out.
On some of my damaged carbs, (ones I bought that were previously damaged and only good for parts), I began to use a drill bit to slightly enlarge the opening to make sure the piece has as little resistance as possible. This works good, but I don't want to try it on a good carburetor body without knowing if enlarging the top of the passage on the down channel will affect the flow/calibration.
With the damaged cores I tried this on, I placed a gasket over it to check if it still covered the passage, and it does, so the only thing I can see that might be affected is the flow.
The reason why I was doing this is to get the restrictors out to use in calibration of other carbs. You can always open up a restriction, but to make one smaller it's not so easy. Even driving in a plug to drill out to the size you want you have to get the original one out of the passage first.
On one junk core instead of drilling the top of the down channel to remove the restrictors, I drilled through the restrictor using a bit the same size as the passage and went all the way through the bottom to see exactly where the passage would have come out if the factory had gone further instead of intersecting at an angle just above the bottom of the bowl body. Then I tapped the hole with a 6-32 tap and installed a really short set screw to plug the new hole.
The purpose being that if you are trying different diameter restrictors in your carburetor, this would allow you to remove the set screws (plugs) and run a rod up through the passage to pop the restrictors out without causing damage to them and then you can easily install a different set and reinstall the plugs on the bottom.
This works great on the junk core, but I have yet to try it on a good carburetor. I don't know if this will change the flow characteristics through the bottom of the down channels or not.
Any thoughts?