So far I'm thrilled with the results from all the things I have done. Its nearly perfect.
Stock 1972 pontiac 350
Carb 17058201
Main jets = 76
Rods= .044
idle tubes= .036
Down channel restriction= .052
upper idle air bleed=.070
lower idle air bleed=.077
idle bypass air=.071
main air bleeds =.120
holes under mixture screws=.081
All parts bought from Cliff,
problem is a rough idle. mixture screws out 5 turns. apt up 5 turns.
The car performs well, no complaints
Im thinking it needs a bit more fuel at idle. should I shrink lower idle air bleed to .070, or open up dcr to .055, or do something with the holes under mixture screws? or a combination? I dont want to make the wrong move, its so close!
you have all been such a huge help for me, i want to wait for your advise and expert opinions. Thanks Doug