Author Topic: Ready to rebuild a 17084226 Qjet  (Read 6518 times)

Offline justin

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Ready to rebuild a 17084226 Qjet
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:46:10 AM »
I opened up the replacement Qjet I bought for my 1985 Camaro.
The carb number is 17084226.
It has:
- primary jets = 78
- primary rods = 51M
- secondary rods = DP
- secondary hanger = H

I plan on buying a rebuild kit from Cliff.
What jets/rods/hangers would work best for my Camaro?
My Camaro has a 305 with a 700R4 auto transmission and doesn't have any aftermarket mods.
How do I find out what jets/rods/hangers the stock carb has in it (other than ripping apart the one still on my car)?


Offline 429bbf

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Re: Ready to rebuild a 17084226 Qjet
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2013, 09:41:09 AM »
justin .i just took apart a 17084226 last week and ordered a kit from cliff . it had 72 jets 51m rods dp and o hanger. im going to set it up for a different engine so im going to change the specs.some one will be able to give you the specs you thing i did notice was my MABS were very large about..095 i ordered replacements from cliff to get them to the right size.fwiw.dean

Offline justin

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Re: Ready to rebuild a 17084226 Qjet
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2013, 08:55:11 AM »
I got a rebuild kit from Cliff and finally got back to working on my 17084226 carb.
I measured everything and this carb seems way out to lunch!
Some dimensions are over the top (at or above Cliff's Third Recipe) and some are conservative (close to Cliff's First Recipe).
The MABS are huge (0.085") but I can replace those with smaller ones.
But other things like the Upper Idle Air Bleed in the air horn (0.0725") The Secondary POE well restriction (0.0433") can't be made smaller (at least not by me).
How much leeway does a guy have on Cliff's Recipes and should I be concerned about the dimensions being all over the map?
Or would I be better of finding a different carb?

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Ready to rebuild a 17084226 Qjet
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2013, 05:39:10 AM »
Justin, that model doesn't use an upper idle airbleed in the airhorn, it should be just above the idle down channel in the main casting.

I wouldn't worry about the POE restriction for what you are doing.  For racing applications, if you get them too big, they can continue to feed the main system all the way down the track.  This may produce a rich condition at full thorttle on hard runs, which can be compensated for by leaning secondary metering rods.

The larger MAB's are fine, use larger jets there, 75-77's instead of 72-74's......Cliff

Offline justin

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Re: Ready to rebuild a 17084226 Qjet
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2013, 03:36:26 PM »
Thanks Cliff.

I'll check on the location of the upper idle airbleed - I must have measured the wrong hole :o
I'll get some larger jets and give that a try...
(there was a typo in my first post: my original primary jets are 73 not 78)
