I've got a 7037211 Quadrajet carb and the outer secondary shaft spring pops off once in a while and I've got to do a hard resetting in of that spring. Yesterday it popped off again and taking a good look at it I can see that my secondary's throttle shaft cut-groove in it is perpendicular up and down when the shaft plates are closed. Doing an image search on the web shows me that all the other ones I came up with have that cut-groove slit in line with the secondary throttle plates, side-to-side when the plates are closed. So, that's why I'm forcing my spring in there as it's going around too far due to the perpendicular cut-groove slit in mine. Attached is a pic to show, the secondary throttle plates are closed but the slit is almost perpendicular. Maybe all along I've had the wrong shaft? I can't see anywhere where I could adjust that cut-groove slit to put in the position that's best.