Author Topic: Pontiac 850 cfm Q-Jet  (Read 5070 times)

Offline Spudboy

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Pontiac 850 cfm Q-Jet
« on: October 31, 2009, 11:57:58 AM »
  Hello Q-Jet fans. This winter I'm building a chokeless, universal test Q-Jet, very similar to the one pictured on page 39 of Cliff's book. Starting point is a 1971 Buick 850 cfm. Since it's going to be used on Pontiac engines, I'm switching it over to the 67-71 Pontiac throttle shafts. It will be used on Pontiac 400 to 455 Poncho's ranging from stock/mild to "Hot Street".

  Casting is 7041540 with 73 jets, 44B rods and AS slotted secondary rods. Aside from the basic rebuild,
planned mods include trimming off some of the choke housing, notching the secondary flaps and enlarging the choke pull off hole. What other things should I be doing? I have zero experience with drilling out air bleeds or idle tubes.                                                                              Thanks, Spud

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Pontiac 850 cfm Q-Jet
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2009, 05:45:11 AM »
The carb mentioned is a good starting point for a really nice high performance carburetors.  It needs to be set-up exactly for the application, in all areas.  Our book covers complete/correct rebuilding, performance mods, and custom tuning in great detail.  We also sell complete HP kits, and tuning items as well.....Cliff