Author Topic: Running rich  (Read 4358 times)

Offline 455man

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Running rich
« on: November 03, 2015, 11:05:49 AM »
I have a quadrajet off an 80 or 81 chevy 305 auto truck.  dont have the numbers handy right now.  Carb was rebuilt.  It's on a stock Olds 307 with headers.  No EGR, no AIR pump and tubes were removed.  I have a wideband A/F gauge and it's showing rich.  I got the idle to run about 14.7 but part throttle to WOT is rich.   A/F at part throttle is about 13.0.  WOT it goes to 10.9 then back up to 11.8.  Changed the jets from 72 to 69.  Rods are 50M.  Secondary I went from DP .0686 with N hanger to CZ .0947 with P hanger. I'm thinking my primaries are too rich and need a smaller jet but not sure how small to go.  I thought this carb would work pretty good on this engine. 

Offline Frank400

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Re: Running rich
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2015, 06:04:09 PM »
To get real help, a carb number would be needed.  Also, when you say "rebuilt", you mean rebuilt by who and what was done to it exactly ?  and what type of parts were put in ?  Do you know that auto parts stores "kits" are junk, as they are not suited to today's new fuel ?  If one of those kits was installed, carb will be very difficult to stay in shape very long.  Sometimes a few hours is all it takes for the rubber parts to swell and become useless.

     The 50M metering rod suggest it's a truck carb, unless parts have been swapped. 

Offline 455man

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Re: Running rich
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2015, 06:33:11 AM »
Carb # is 1708213.  The rebuild was just cleaned and put new gaskets in it.  It was probably a junk kit not sure.  I noticed it has an .135 needle and seat in it.  I put a new accelerator pump in it that is good for ethanol. 

Offline 77cruiser

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Re: Running rich
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2015, 08:06:51 AM »
Power piston hanger didn't get messed up did it? Easy to do. :-[

Offline 455man

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Re: Running rich
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2015, 08:27:46 AM »
I'm not sure.  If it was bent down it would run leaner right?  Anyway to check that?  APT is turned out about 3/4 turns. 

Offline 77cruiser

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Re: Running rich
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2015, 01:41:13 PM »
If it was down it would be lean, but if it was up then it would be rich. Only way to check would be to take it apart.
You can use a small screwdriver to push down on the hanger through the vent to see if it's moving up & down.

Offline 455man

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Re: Running rich
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2015, 02:19:22 PM »
The top has been off many times changing rods/jets.  I can take it off again and look.  It's moving up and down.  Would it look obviously bent or is .010 enough to make it run too rich?   Are you thinking the rod/jet combo should not run rich? 
I disconnected the accelerator pump to see if that made a difference. It still ran rich and as long as i eased in to the throttle it ran fine.  No lean spots like i would expect. 

Offline 429bbf

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Re: Running rich
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2015, 04:35:36 PM »
455 . i used to rebuild carbs just like the one you working on. gasket kit and misc. i ended up with the same results . they never ran the way i wanted them to . the last one i did with over the counter kit with (ethanol resistant ) acc. pump.didnt make it 20. miles and the cup swelled and came off the rod. the only way i will do it today is totally strip, install shaft bushing ,new pulloff, and anything else thats wore. and the end results are awsome. it may take you a while to get to that stage of the game but the results speak for them selves . ive found that most have bent hangers and worn out needles. unless you have all the measuring tools its hard to see the wear. fwiw