Hi Cliff.
David, from over at Performance Years here. I just discovered your forum. Great service!
And yes, I have a question..........or questions?
Right after I got your book (about 2 years ago?) I took a carb I found at the local pick and pull and dove in to build myself a Qjet. The core I used is from an Olds Toronado (17059251 from 79?) and I feel like I've learned a lot about the Qjet from the experience. I've built a couple since then and helped a few locals out with theirs. This weekend due to the rain, I had a few minutes (all day...) so I thought I'd pull mine down and rethink the idle circuit because it smells a little rich at idle and because....well....I wanted to:). I have the idle tubes at .037". Idle bypass air (added to the carb at the build time) at .082. Idle mixture screw hole opened up to .089. Idle down channel restriction at .055. I plugged the upper idle air bleeds in the main body and relocated them into the air horn and they are .052. (why did I move them? Something I read by GTO Karl led me to do it.
Because, more than anything). Also when I built the carb, I got rid of the choke altogether. I haven't missed it or the fast idle stuff. And the carb looks great to boot
In order to get the idle speed I need I have the primary blades open some and I'm considering opening up the idle bypass air some to close the blades a bit. I was thinking to the next drill bit size in my drill bit kit to .085. Bigger than that maybe?
While I had my carb apart Saturday I drilled the mixture screw hole out from the .089 and opened it up to .096. I think I went to far? With my .037" idle tubes I don't start hurting the idle stability until the screws are nearly seated now (after the size increase). At the .089 previous size they had effect at about 3 turns from lightly seated. Would I gain some control back if I put in slighty smaller idle tubes? .036" .035"
My setup
1969 Pontiac GTO, 406CI. TRW pistons (6626...2262 forget the number) stock rods and crank, factory intake with the ex crossover removed, the water crossover divorced and ported to RA IV gaskets. No carb spacer. 1 3/4 Doug's headers, #48 heads mildly worked by Ken Keefer, Turbo 400, 3.55 gear
The cam is a Comp Cams Hyd Roller........Straight up.
Gross valve lift .513 intake and .528 exhaust. That's with 1.50 rockers. Mine are Harland Sharp
Duration @ .006 tappet lift 276 intake 280 exhaust
valve timing @ .050 intake 2btdc open / 38abdc close
exhaust 48bbdc open / 4- atdc
duration @ .050 220 intake 224 exhaust
lobe lift .342 intake .352 exhaust
lobe separation 112.0
Any other suggestions, other than quit messing with stuff?