Author Topic: Lower Idle Air Bleeds  (Read 4838 times)

Offline Rhett

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Lower Idle Air Bleeds
« on: April 02, 2012, 07:53:58 AM »
Dialing in my 66 Nailhead Q-Jet and trying to follow Cliff's "First Recipe" on page 111 of the book and I'm getting confused on the number of air bleeds and the locations.

My carb has one pair of upper air bleeds in the air horn (.050) and seemingly two pairs of lower air bleeds. One in the upper main body shown in the location of the lower middle photo on page 27 (.070), and one in lower main body in the location shown on the lower left photo on page 96.

Before I realized there were both, I resized the lower from .060 to .070.

Did I mess anything up? Do I need to change the jet/rod combination to compensate? I was going to start with the stock 74 jets and .044 rods, up from the stock .043s.

Thanks for the help - Rhett

Offline 429bbf

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Re: Lower Idle Air Bleeds
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 09:24:03 PM »
rhett did you fiqure it out ? it sounds like you are either calling the m.a.b (main air bleeds ) the upper idle air bleeds or you got a different  air horn that belongs on the main fuel bowl .what is the carb no? i'll try help you out some times the reading can try to confuse people.dean

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Lower Idle Air Bleeds
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2012, 02:05:00 AM »
The lower idle airbleeds are located at the bottom of the main casting in the fuel supply passages leading down to the idle mixture screws.

The main airbleeds on the 1966 carburetor are located in the airhorn, and another pair in the upper part of the main castings in the primary bores, coming into the main fuel supply passages at a 45 degree angle.....Cliff

Offline Rhett

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Re: Lower Idle Air Bleeds
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2012, 08:04:39 AM »
I spoke with Cliff this weekend, he seemed to think that someone switched parts on this carb, and I need to plug one set of the upper air bleeds.. I'm still confused. I can take photos of the carb, but I've got all three sets. Maybe I am calling the main air bleeds in the airhorn upper air bleeds - I'll have to go look at the book and the carb again, but I seem to remember two sets of bleeds in the airhorn -one with brass inserts and one without.

Thanks, Rhett

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Lower Idle Air Bleeds
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2012, 05:01:19 AM »
Upper idle airbleeds are either just above the idle down channel restrictions in the main casting (same passage), or in the airhorn right above the idle down channel restrictions.  Only one pair is used, in one location or the other, not both.....Cliff