Author Topic: Put your carburetor part number on the order form!  (Read 9952 times)

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Put your carburetor part number on the order form!
« on: October 09, 2017, 04:06:04 AM »
Rebuild kit sales are doing well since we made them available directly off the website.

We know how busy folks are and like to be able to order directly on line so they can get back to important things in their lives.

We are however getting a lot of orders for carburetor kits without folks supplying a carburetor number.  It is impossible for us to fill the order until we have the part number from the carburetor.

It will be located on the drivers side of the carbs main casting just above the secondary throttle shaft.

If you can't find or don't have a number we can also fill the order if you tell us the make/model/year of the vehicle and which engine is in it.  This would only apply IF the carburetor is still the original unit.....thanks.....Cliff


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Re: Put your carburetor part number on the order form!
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2019, 07:56:15 AM »
Sorry - but I can't find any way to post other than as a reply to another post.
I may have missed something somewhere in the fine print. Some boards require that a member be registered for a few days before posting, as an anti spam measure.
I joined yesterday

nevermind - * New topic * just started showing up.... feel free to delete this