Author Topic: Main Well Bleed Tubes  (Read 6552 times)

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Main Well Bleed Tubes
« on: December 02, 2010, 04:29:41 AM »
I just want to verify that the Secondary Tube Restriction listed in the book recipes (.036 in Recipe #2) is the same thing as the Main Well Bleed Tubes as shown in the pic on Page 126. ??

Offline kelley555

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2010, 07:53:29 PM »
On the Edelbrock 1910 section, it's called a Secondary air bleed tubes. If you follow the small brass tubes & blow thru them,air exits the top of the carb. Look on page 107, the top pic,see the small tubes exiting the air horn, inside,closest to the carb stud. That's the smaller tube your asking about. The 2 small inner brass tubes in the airhorn enter the main well area & vent to the atmosphere. Call it (main well) bleed tubes like the page says,if you like.They set not far from the larger tubes. Now the larger tubes,do pickup fuel & fed the secondary's from 2 small secondary wells. They feed from the main wells by 2 small holes(like an extra accelerator pump on the secondary side when the  big boys kick in. I believe the books says this some where's or did I dream this,I only read the book several  times. I hope I'm right Cliff's watching. Later Kelley

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2010, 01:59:26 PM »
maybe secondary well airbleed tubes would be a better description. It is a well and it is the larger of the two wells but I am not sure if you could call it the main well. That all depends if you call the primary side the "main" side.   toe-may-toe,    tah-ma-toe.   anywho, they're airbleed tubes for the secondary wells.

airbleeds for the primary side do not use tubes, they have drilled passages or air=bleed orifices
of course there are two pair of wells for the secondary side. one for the acceleration tubes and one for the jets
 I guess in that case you could sorta call the wells for the secondary jets, "main" wells. I dont know....I am corn-fused (Neb. humor).  Main wells, secondary accel resevoir restriction orifices, primary wells, idle tubes, idle air bleeds; I try to not get too hung up on the terminology (although you need to know what your talking about). It can get confusing.

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2010, 07:39:59 PM »
Like I said,maybe I was dreaming about the info in the  book. I thought the large main well is were the float hung out & the 2 smaller brass tubes (secondary air bleed) extend from the air horn to the main well & exited  thru the air horn thru 2  small brass tubes,to the air? The larger tubes I thought were a secondary accelerating tubes that extends from the airhorn to the 2 smaller secondary wells that are on each side of the main well.Connected by a single hole  in each. I know for sure these smaller wells are filled by the small hole from the main well. I increased the hole on my receipe from .040 to .050). These I thought, gives you extra fuel (kinda like a second accelerator pump when the big boy barrel's open. This should help cover a dreadful !bogg! along with the secondary air valve tension spring adjustment. Maybe I'm wrong,so I get a F for reading late at night. I was trying to be a good rookie student & understand this kind of carb as well or  maybe better than I understand Holley's. I spent a lot of time blowing air thru  the airhorn,main body & base plate passages to see where it exited. Maybe Ciff can get us straight. Later Rookie Kelley   

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2010, 08:12:29 PM »
I think i figured it out. The main wells are under the jets!!   Either front (prim.)  OR rear (secon.)
and the only ones that have air-bleed tubes are the secondaries. these tubes have the "squeezed down"
tip on the bottom. They let air mix with the fuel on the secondary side of the carb. The other secondary "accel" tubes get the secondaries up and going. They dip down into the two small bowls that are only used for the accel function of the secondaries and are located in between the primary and secondary bores in the main casting.
                    Sometimes it helps to explain things to yourself!!  LOL  (I like that because then I can explain it to someone else and not sound like a moron) {like when you're trying to explain why the Q-jets are better than holleys and you can't come up with the right words, it's like trying to turn the tides}.

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2010, 09:07:56 PM »
Omaha,it's best to explain the Q-jet to Holley deal with tail lights or taking their money. I here it daily from different people. I'm can't wait till the q-jet tells the tale.It was a lot of work,thinking about what your doing. Maybe,ruining a carb,it can happen with self taught exprience,but we had Cliff's book &  his forum. I'm filling in the Motown emblem off the casting of the block & looking for some low hp stickers. The 350 hp stickers are coming off the valve covers,probably too much hp,210-250 hp or 265 ci. The story is simple,my friend's Mom gave me the motor & she out ran everybody at church,even the preacher. She's an Indian Giver though,if she catches me hot rodding or tearing up  the motor. It go back. That's the deal,crazy talk. Now I wish I hadn't made the Q-jet carb as pretty. The Hei will be as low keyed as the Q-jet. A big reason I picked the Holley Z-28 type intake was everbody's using the Edelbrock Performer Air Gap . I'm gonna have some fun with this motor swap & get my money's worth. It's better to act or be ignorant & talk in circles. Later Kelley

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2010, 02:56:54 AM »
Back to my original question: Is the "Secondary Tube Restriction" referred to in the book recipes the same thing as the "Main Well Bleed Tubes" pointed to in the picture on page 126? Cliff?

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2010, 07:39:49 PM »
Let me clarify main well area,the small brass tubes from the air horn sit in 2 small rd. wells to the side of the  secondary jet hole.Theses jets are in the main well.That's one area I didn't blow air thru to see how it connects. My bet it would be the secondary air bleed well for secondaries & the  main well. Especially since the secondaries wells get fuel from the main well thru a small hole. My bet call it's the secondary tube restriction or secondary air bleed tube or main well bleeds.My opinion these tubes probably still bleed the main well since it's connected.Cliff,can you verify the right name for us?Later Kelley

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2010, 08:25:05 PM »
yes the tube restriction is the picture on page 126 (called the main well restriction). you notice that the end of the tube is tapered down. this is the tube restriction...right on the end of the tube.
it is almost always .036.
    The secondary POE restriction is the holes drilled just above the air flap towards the front side of the flap. (in the top casting)
   The well restriction for the secondaries is the small drilled holes that feed the secondary wells (with fuel from the bowl area. (main casting)

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2010, 01:46:39 AM »
yes the tube restriction is the picture on page 126 (called the main well restriction). you notice that the end of the tube is tapered down. this is the tube restriction...right on the end of the tube.
it is almost always .036.
    The secondary POE restriction is the holes drilled just above the air flap towards the front side of the flap. (in the top casting)
   The well restriction for the secondaries is the small drilled holes that feed the secondary wells (with fuel from the bowl area. (main casting)
I was 99% sure the secondary tube restriction was the same as what's called the main well bleed tube on page 126 but wanted to verify. In my way of thinking I'd call the orifice  the "secondary bleed tube restriction".

Offline kelley555

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Re: Main Well Bleed Tubes
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2010, 08:00:45 PM »
Omaha, you're right the restriction is at the bottom of the tube & it doesn't measure the same size(in thousands)as the top of the tube. This will throw you a loop,cause you need a 2" long bit to measure the tube when installed or I used a set of long tip cleaners to get down there. I should have measured the tubes Cliff sent before I installed them,but I didn't.I thought about it & got a set of tip cleaners out & measured the restriction at the end of the tube.Later Kelley