None of the symptoms you are seeing are typical for that camshaft if a 400 build at 9.5 to 1 compression.
I have tuned several of them, and they idled fine in and out of gear with less idle rpm, less idle fuel, and less idle bypass air. I also didn't run nearly the timing either, about 12 initial and used ported vacuum to the advance.
So why is your engine wanting all that bypass air with the timing at 24 degrees? It should idle fine in and out of gear with less timing.
I have ran into several engine combinations that hated a lot of timing at idle speed, so you may want to try less timing by using a ported source to the advance, and start the idle tuning process all over.
With the HUGE idle fuel delivery from the Edelbrock 1910, you should be fine without all that timing, and very little idle bypass air, at least from what I've seen here tuning similar set-ups with the same carburetor.....Cliff