cliff would be the one to ask. without knowing all of your specs. (what vehicle,what cam,what engine.gear ratio,manifold,distributor,timing,fuel pressure, and a million other things)its impossible to tell you whats going to work . but i will say I've never used that large of upper idle air bleeds myself but maybe it will work on your combination ..002-.003 on a dcr or idle tube. can make a world of difference on any given engine. also when you get close make very small adjustments and don't do a lot of changes at one time. building a quadrajet to run perfect is like winning a war .(one small battle at a time )because any change you make effects something else down the line and understanding what that is will make your war a lot easier to win.the most important thing to understand is to get the idle and primary perfect and finish with the secondary. most folks monkey with the secondary to try and fix a problem because its easy. thats the last thing to do. one last thing . in my experience 50 percent of bad running engines that get worked on are NOT THE CARB ,most are distributor problems of some sort.,vacuum leaks ,bad canisters , coils,points,wires,plugs,springs,weights,advance,you name it it will bite you.fwiw