Author Topic: which holes to measure???  (Read 8219 times)

Offline jbh7052

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which holes to measure???
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:30:38 AM »
Hello all! I just bought a rebuild kit along with primary/secondary rods, jets, float and a few other misc. items. he ask me to get him some measurements and he would recommend some changes if necessary! problem is I am lost as to which measurements he is needing ??? he specifically as for "upper/lower idle air bleeds, then the idle tubes, DCR's and bypass air". I have ordered his book but it will not make it here by this weekend and I cant look at it on the work bench without dying to work on it! can anyone point these locations out for me please? I tried to post a picture of the main body but I could not get it small enough to fit the requirements. Sorry!  carb#7045213

Offline 429bbf

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2015, 04:26:30 PM »
if your carb savy. you will understand this if not it;s going to be hard . the idle tubes and the dcr are located in the main body just to the front of the screw holes . the idle tube is a 2 piece tube(a brass tube with a brass collar at the top)very hard to measure unless you have a long set of drill bits. the restriction (what you are asked to measure )is about 2-1/4 inches down it would be somewhere around .035 or so. the dcr are right next to them . they are down in the housing about 1/4 in and are small brass inserts .measurement anywhere from .039 to .055 . these are very generic measurements you need to get within a.001. the bypass air is located in the throttle body . under the butterflies . usually coming in from the front at a 45 in line with the front mounting bolt holes . it may not have bypass air but it should . (make sure to go down in the bypass hole a ways for the restriction . its usually back in there a little ways. the upper idle air bleed should be a hole at a 45 angle that is just below the dcr leading to the venturi. the lower idle bleed would be close to the bottom of the venturi . size anywhere form .050 to .o70. you want a total of appox. .140 . example 60+80. 70 +70 THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE THE SIZE. man i hope i didn't confuse you I'm sorry if i did.fwiw.

Offline jbh7052

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2015, 04:33:26 PM »
Thank you so much 429bbf! that will get me rolling!i really appreciate you taking the time to spell it out for me. I don't mind doing research for info but the "STUFF" I was finding on the web was just stuff. Hope you have a great evening and thanks again! :D

Offline 429bbf

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2015, 03:06:32 PM »
sorry for a little confusion the upper idle air bleed should be just ABOVE the dcr if it is in the fuel bowl . some carbs have them in the air horn . (do not get the idle air bleed and and the main air bleed confused .) also it should have said THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE THE SAME SIZE. I LEFT OUT SAME. the main thing your looking for is about .140 total.your little holes in the fuel bowl that feed the 4 barrel tubes should  be about .030  your accelerator pump discharge holes located in the air horn should be appox..026 the restriction is back in there a ways so pay attention.your little holes that you can see from the top with the top secondary flaps shut should be ..036your secondary tube restriction appox..036 i would give you all the technical names but that would maybe do more harm than good.remember all these sizes are approximate..hth

Offline jbh7052

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2015, 08:24:23 PM »
thank you again 429 bbf! I was a little confused with the main air bleeds and idle but I think I have it! thank you for clarifying! you can sit back and laugh at me know...doubt I was the first but man I felt dumb...I pushed a drill bit down the idle tube and it got stuck! flush with the top! finally gave up and pushed it down further. drilled it and pulled it out...sure glad Cliff put those in the kit he sent me! anyway I was just getting ready to send this to Cliff. tell me what you think.
idle tube           .040
upper air bleed  .093
lower air bleed  .063
dcr                   .052
idle bypass        .099

my original air tubes are about .004 larger than the one's he put in my kit?? thanks again for looking at this! I appreciate it. I don't want to leave Cliff hanging so should I go ahead and send this to him as well? he was gonna let me know what to do with these measurements to meet my engine needs based on the info I gave him. have a good evening!

Offline 429bbf

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2015, 10:11:55 PM »
cliff would be the one to ask. without knowing all of your specs. (what vehicle,what cam,what engine.gear ratio,manifold,distributor,timing,fuel pressure, and a million other things)its impossible to tell you whats going to work . but i will say I've never used that large of upper idle air bleeds myself but maybe it will work on your combination ..002-.003 on a dcr or idle tube. can make a world of difference on any given engine. also when you get close make very small adjustments and don't do a lot of changes at one time. building a quadrajet  to run perfect is like winning a war .(one small battle at a time )because any change you make effects something else down the line and understanding what that is will make your war a lot easier to win.the most important thing to understand is to get the idle and primary perfect and finish with the secondary. most folks monkey with the secondary to try and fix a problem because its easy. thats the last thing to do. one last thing . in my experience 50 percent of bad running engines that get worked on are NOT THE CARB ,most are distributor problems of some sort.,vacuum leaks ,bad canisters , coils,points,wires,plugs,springs,weights,advance,you name it it will bite you.fwiw

Offline jbh7052

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2015, 03:30:48 AM »
just to make sure I am understanding what I am reading...sometimes we read what we think it ought to say! the upper air bleed is just above the DCR. It is at about a 45 deg. angle and leads into the venture. my book will probably be here on Monday but I sure like talking to someone first to help me understand what I am seeing!

Offline 429bbf

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2015, 06:01:01 AM »
yes it should be . i don't have that carb in front of me right now. remember some idle air bleeds are in the air horn. if someone else on here has one in front of them or knows for positive please chime in and help out.thats the great thing about this site ,there a lot of folks working on carbs and everybody has different problem. fwiw

Offline 429bbf

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2015, 06:16:06 AM »
just some info on how it works. the idle tubes are all fuel . as the fuel is pulled up from the idle tubes it is mixed with a little air(that comes from the idle air bleeds)then it goes down the dcr and heads to the idle screws if front of carb. which control fuel (not air ) hth

Offline jbh7052

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2015, 07:40:48 AM »
I am gonna see if I can attach some pictures with drill bits in the correct holes and maybe you can keep me out of hot water. I will post them in just a few minutes. Thanks again for the help! I gave cliff the info and he said to tap the hole for a specific screw and drill to a new smaller size on the upper air bleed. With the angle of the hole I may chicken out!

Offline jbh7052

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2015, 08:25:01 AM »
the one with the drill bit...correct air bleed??? Do you see an air bleed in the air horn??

Offline 429bbf

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2015, 05:09:11 PM »
you are correct that is the upper idle air bleed. your main air bleed will be in the air horn .there should be 2 of them . its hard to see from the bottom of the air horn. if you flip it over and take another picture ill tell you what you got. fwiw

Offline jbh7052

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2015, 05:33:50 PM »
here is the top side of the air horn. I received cliffs book today! Sweet! From looking at it i see the main air bleed but no idle bleed. hope i am starting to understand this!

Offline 429bbf

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2015, 06:10:03 PM »
yup your right on target. if the idle air bleeds were in the air horn on that vintage there would be 4 holes in the air horn . enjoy your reading , it is the best quadrajet book i have ever read because its real straight forward and give you a very good starting point . enjoy and welcome to chp.

Offline jbh7052

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Re: which holes to measure???
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2015, 06:21:28 PM »
Thank you so much! Would like to shake your hand but this is all I got! I really appreciate your have help me a lot! I hope you have a great weekend! Thanks from Arkansas :D