This may be anecdotal, but I had a similar issue on my 305sbc (Gen1 from 82' with the 2PC rear main. So, same engine family I think) and what it ended up being was a little too much slop around there throttle shaft on the secondary, allowing a little too much air to slip through.
As you know, these SBC's are like Hoover vacuum cleaners, and the slightest vacuum leak leads to having a hard time tracking it down because of how just a tiny little air slipping by impacts the idle heavily and does all kinds of other unexplainable things (hence, why the idle air screws do so much, with just tiny turns to balance the air/fuel mixture).
Anyways, I couldn't detect a leak around the throttle shafts, the base plate, the main body, nowhere at all. I had great accelerator pump streams, and I was at witts end. But, as a last ditch effort, I ended up getting Cliff's throttle shaft bushing kit for both throttle shafts. After reaming and pressing them in the secondary throttle shaft (I did that one first) it ended up eliminating all the high idle/idle issues I kept encountering!
So, even though I couldn't exactly "detect" the leak, it had to have definitely been there. The secondary throttle shaft, previous to doing the bushing, had just ever so slight amount of "front to back/up down" play in it (it was literally, barely noticeable, unless you REALLLLY tried to feel for it) and that was enough to cause my air/fuel mixture to be all wonky and let enough fuel/air slip by to cause high idle. I went ahead and did the primary throttle shaft too after that just for the sake of having it done.
Not sure if this helps, but it's what I experienced and it ended up fixing the issues I couldn't track down after making sure all else was correct. A lot of times, shops that "rebuild" don't take the time to throw the carb on engine and really get all the tuning done before sending it out the door - and most, unless they specialize in or do A LOT of Quadrajet work, don't even touch the throttle shaft clearances or give a second thought to bushings. Not saying that's what your shop did, but just mentioning that for future viewers who may run across this.