Yeah, I always wondered about that whole "lean=hot" thing, since even people who spout that idea are sort of iffy on it, always pre-ambling the remark with "lean mixtures *may* make it run hot."
For the advance springs, the ones out of the moroso kit I'm using match the tension (are actually a LITTLE heavier) than several stock sets of springs I have. To get max advance out of the weights/center cam, I'd have to go near redline which 1), I never do, and 2), near redline will mean my throttle is open enough to drop vac advance, anyway.
So DB rods are too fat, which would you recommend?
Copy that on the airbleeds, and yeah, I do have full control with the mixture screws. I do get a bit of off idle hesitation if I don't give enough gas, and admittedly, my idle throttle angle is a little higher than I'd like it to be. Even though I have no nozzle drip or port vac signal, I am showing a good 1.5-1.75mm of transfer slot, as opposed to the ideal "square," but I recall you telling me before that's inconsequential as long as she holds an idle with no nozzle drip and port vac signal.
I'll keep the 73 jets in it, no problem. Should I change out the rods? Right now I have those 42Ks in there... what would your recommend? And yes, I have one of your .135 NON-WINDOWED seats and viton needles in there right now, which as I understand is factory spec, anyhow for the T/A 6.6. Also have one of your accelerator pumps in there. Right now, float level is set at stock 17/32. If I set it any higher, even so much as 13/32, I'll get fuel pooling around the accelerator pump piston at the top of the airhorn.
As for the vacuum supply to the choke, well... no, I don't have it plugged off. I did, however, fashion a vacuum fitting for the choke housing so I can still use a vacuum line to connect it to the choke modulator filter in the air cleaner like from the factory, only difference now is that the air it sucks in doesn't get heated by exhaust (doesn't really make a difference in how long the e-choke takes to open). I wanted to keep that vac leak because it serves as the factory bypass air... should I not do this? I've blocked it off before, and it dropped my idle a decent amount - I'd be afraid to try to compensate for it by raising the throttle angle anymore, because then I think I would breach nozzle drip and port vac signal territory...