I recently bought a 1970 c10 with a 7045228 quadrajet. The truck ran awful, so we pulled the carb and cleaned it out. Before finding this place, I had bought a rebuild kit online, so has all new gaskets, piston pump, and vacuum "covers". I also added an electric choke since the previous owner had removed all choke components and just hand fed fuel to the primaries until it was up to temp. Since putting everything back together, it runs fair at idle, but if you do more than ease on the accelerator, it stalls. I tried tuning with a vac gauge and the highest reading I got was 3 in Hg. when adjusting the right side idle mixture screw, no turns either direction changed the reading. I also noticed that after running a bit, if I shut off, the left side primary looks wet, but the right side looks dry. I am a total newbie, but my daughter wanted her first vehicle to be a project truck for us, so any and all help would be greatly appreciated.