I finished putting back my carburetor for '73 Olds 455 together.
This carburetor already had the problem of emptying itself overnight. As suggested by the book, I did a pressure test, and no bubbles. Even tried a heat test, then let it outside for the night, with fuel in the bowl and a white towel below it, to see if in the morning there would be any stain on it! The towel was clean, but the bowl was half empty. I guessed at that moment it just evaporated.
Anyhow, to be sure, I plugged the six caps on the carburetor with the Marine Tex epoxy, by putting a small drop over the caps. I taught it would at least stay long enough, so I could determine if it is one of the plug leaking anyway.
After installing it back on the car, I started the motor and everything was working fine. Let the car sit overnight, and in the morning, carburetor is empty again

Is it possible that only the heat of the motor is enough, that after few hours, the carburetor has evaporated all fuel in it?
Any suggestions would be welcome, as it is difficult starting this car first time in a day...