Author Topic: 1910 running super rich  (Read 2393 times)

Offline chino442

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1910 running super rich
« on: August 27, 2012, 01:09:17 PM »
   I have a 70 Cutlass with a 455, bored 30 over that has a cam with a 0.496 int lift, 0.512 exh lift, 226 int @.050, 230 exh @.050, and a 3.08 rear end gears. A friend of mine gave me a brand new Edelbrock 1910 carb that he has no use for it. I installed it last week and it ran super rich. I adjusted the idle screw mixtures screws with no success. I have the fuel pressure regulator adjusted to 5 psi. I took the carb off and took the air horn off and this is what i've seen:
Primary Rods = 49B,
Secondary Rods = DR,
Hanger = K,
Float = 1168 S78 
Main Jets =  73.
My question is, what rebuild kit can you sell me or do i have to send this carb to you so you can adjusted to my standards or this carb is junk? Thank you for your time.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 1910 running super rich
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 06:07:05 AM »
The 1910's came with at least 5 different idle system calibrations that I've seen here. 

They are all pretty "heavy" for what you are doing. 

We sell kits for them, and idle tubes, etc, to get it on par for what you are doing.  When you get a change, call the shop and we'll get what you need headed your way.....Cliff