Author Topic: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt  (Read 8430 times)

Offline 5stareventsdj

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Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« on: October 05, 2012, 03:13:55 PM »
I've been trying to diagnose a WOT problem. Problem is I'm not getting the rpms that I should. Under load I'm getting 3900 rpm max when I should be seeing 4200-4600 at my configuration. I think I may have tracked it down to the secondary air plates not openening. Is it possible that the choke pulloff is holding these closed? I see the linkage that travels between these plates and the choke pulloff. For me to open the choke plates the pulloff needs to be extended. It currently is retracted all the time. Or at least it seems to be. Is this choke pulloff supposed to weaken at low vacuum? At what rpm should the choke pulloff start to release and when should the air flaps open? Do I have this all backwards in my head?


Offline 5stareventsdj

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 03:34:50 PM »
I got this on another quadrajet post: "When the engine fully warmed up, the choke flap should be straight up and down. This is the full open position. This is important because there is a secondary lock-out that prevents the secondary throttle blades from opening if the choke is still applied." My choke is opening fully (straight up and down). Is it possible the my flaps are still being locked. Trouble shooting further, with the engine running a cannot push the air flaps open easily as the pullof if retracted. With the engine off, the pulloff extends and the flaps open. I got brave (or possibly crazy) and hit the throttle a couple of times and didnt see the plate open. I didn't hold the throttle open though it was just a quick acceleration and backed off immediately.


Offline Shark Racer

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 03:54:08 PM »
The pull off will lose vacuum when the engine goes into high load (aggressive throttle/WOT, triggering the secondaries will likely cause this to happen).

You should measure the retraction time of the pull off and get it to 3 sec or faster (cliff's book has guidelines depending on the build you're going for.)

To do this, retract the pull off arm manually and cap the vacuum port on it with your finger. Let go and time the time it takes to fully retract.

The next step is to get the air valve tension set up correctly. I believe 3/4-7/8 turn past the point the spring engages the rod is a decent starting point.

It's not so much RPM as it is load, CFM demand. A 454 would likely open the secondaries up sooner than a 350, given equal "temperament".

Good luck, I'm a newb so my advice probably isn't great! ;)

Offline 5stareventsdj

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 06:03:59 PM »
Thank you for the reply. Its as good as any place to start although I think I may have a problem with the mechanism that locks the secondary air valves. I will make those adjustments though and report back.


Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2012, 04:02:34 AM »
I would remove the lock-out on the Marine carb if present.  It is only there to prevent the secondaries from coming in when the engine is cold and choke not fully open.  They can hang-up and cause issues.

Also check the link going from the pull-off to the air flap shaft.  It must hold the flaps tightly shut at idle (high vacuum), and allow them to fully open at full throttle (low vacuum).  Bend the rod as needed so it allows this to happen......Cliff

Offline 5stareventsdj

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2012, 09:10:38 AM »
Will do. Thank you Cliff. I am going to also check the release time on the choke pulloff, but I think the stop is my big problem. :-)


Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2012, 02:12:59 AM »
Typically doesn't have to be really quick on a Marine unit, 2 seconds or so should be fine......Cliff

Offline 5stareventsdj

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2012, 03:28:36 PM »
It appears that my set up doesn't have a secondary lockup. Does this appear to be correct?

Not sure how pics work in this but I attached one.



Offline 429bbf

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2012, 07:39:08 PM »
greg this might sound stupid. but have you (with the engine off ) put the throttle in wide open and looked past the sec. air flap to see if the lower plates are opening up to full position? it sounds like you have a linkage problem  ( ether the throttle cable or the mechanical linkage between the primaries and secondaries needs to adjusted ) and your only running on the primaries. ive never worked on a marine carb but from the picture you dont have any lockout on the secondaries. jmtc. dean

Offline 5stareventsdj

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2012, 08:47:44 PM »
Thanks for the reply. I've been reading alot about the secondary lockout looking at pics, videos and Cliff's book. I was ready to disable mine until I looked at it to see that I don't have the lockout that I have heard so much about.

I have looked inside to see that the secondary throttle is opening. with the air cleaner (spark arrester) off, I haven't seen the air plates open on the secondary side. I have only checked out of the water though and am not able to give full throttle with cooling from my garden hose.

I hope to get on the water to confirm. MY WOT problem is driving me crazy. I can't tell you how much time & effort I've spent on this.


Offline 429bbf

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2012, 05:57:18 AM »
greg .it was posted earlier you need cfm demand to get them to open .sitting in the drive way snapping the throttle isnt enough demand the only way they will open is if you remove the pulloff link and set the spring tension very light .that was the great design of the quad it only gives the engine the fuel and air it needs. dean

Offline 5stareventsdj

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2012, 12:18:32 PM »
Thanks again. I was out working on it again. I started cold. Although the choke is opening fullly, it's taking a long time to do it (10 minutes). It's a divorced choke and the linkage is nearly straight. I may look for a new bitmattalic spring. In the meantime, I am going to adjust the spring in the housing.

I shut the engine off after it was warmed up and was playing with the fast idle cam, trying to figure out how it works. While moving the throttle back and forth, I noticed drops of gas coming from the throttle shaft, near the fast idle adjustment. Does this mean I need to do the throttle bushings? When I had the carb off to rebuild it I didn't feel any play. Is there a gasket that may need to be replaced? My instincts tell me that if gas can come out there that air can get it. This was not happening while the engine was running just when it was off.

Lastly, I was able to confirm that the secondary throttle is working properly. If I push down the air flaps, I can see them opening when I move the throttle.

Would a leak in the throttle shaft be enough to cause the engine to run lean at WOT and cause me not reach WOT RPMs?

Sorry for so many questions. It's my first carb and I don't want to give up on it.


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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2012, 01:13:07 PM »

1. Does this mean I need to do the throttle bushings? When I had the carb off to rebuild it I didn't feel any play. Is there a gasket that may need to be replaced? My instincts tell me that if gas can come out there that air can get it. This was not happening while the engine was running just when it was off.

2. Would a leak in the throttle shaft be enough to cause the engine to run lean at WOT and cause me not reach WOT RPMs?

1. The only gasket to worry about there is the throttle body-main body gasket. Did it seal well? Is there any chance your main body was missing the alignment dowels to the throttle body? (there should be two). If they are missing, Cliff has a procedure in his book that describes how to align the throttle body with the main body.

2. Not likely. The secondaries are massive and the amount of air that could get through the shaft area is minimal.

Offline 5stareventsdj

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2012, 02:56:34 PM »
1. The only gasket to worry about there is the throttle body-main body gasket. Did it seal well? Is there any chance your main body was missing the alignment dowels to the throttle body? (there should be two). If they are missing, Cliff has a procedure in his book that describes how to align the throttle body with the main body.
Yes that gasket sealed well. The only time gas comes out is when I pump the throttle while the engine is not running. The dowels were there. Alignment went nice.
2. Not likely. The secondaries are massive and the amount of air that could get through the shaft area is minimal.
Good to know. Should I be concerned that gas is coming out of the throttle shaft? It only happens when I pump the throttle and the engine isn't running.

Going back out now to mess with the choke. Hopefully it's cold enough.

Offline Shark Racer

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Re: Choke Pulloff - Marine Carb just rebuilt
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2012, 05:36:09 PM »
I would be concerned about the fuel coming out. Especially on the primary side.

I was responding to the vac leak @ WOT. Something that minor shouldn't have a huge, if any, impact on WOT. It could have a massive effect on idle, though.