Author Topic: all aftermarket 79 Corvette with no experance  (Read 4059 times)

Offline MrGoFaster

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all aftermarket 79 Corvette with no experance
« on: May 17, 2009, 01:31:48 PM »
I'm rebuilding a 79 Corvette. I have no experience to speak of. I've been doing videos on the car over the past year to help me explain problems I have to others on the net that help me out with getting it going.

Currently I'm having a bear of a time making heads or tails out of the Q-jet issues. I've been getting a lot of help with Corvette stuff on CorvetteForum but this seems more Q-jet specific because none of the parts involved are really Corvette parts anymore.

I have a new 400HP 350 circle track motor. When I got it, it didn’t have a carb included & he builder said it was dynode with a “bigger carb” than my Q-jet. I took the carb off the old modified 350 motor, assuming it would still work good enough for testing things out & it's currently on the new motor now. I've been taken in so many different directions with trying to figure out what the actual problem is with using this Q-jet & how to fix it that my brain hurts & I know carbs are just beyond my abilities.

I was able to look up the numbers on it to tell that this carb originally came off of a 72 Cadillac. I’m told that it is supposed to have a divorced choke but that I need an electric choke. I’m also told that it doesn’t have to have a choke at all & that it should still run once warmed up. But as I motioned I’ve been taken in many directions with it & without any experience, I have no idea what’s right & what’s not.
The video link below is from about 2 months ago. The last time I cranked the car. I haven’t messed with the carb since then so it should still be accurate as far as what’s going on with the carb. Other than moving the carb from one motor to the other & a little carb cleaner I haven’t tinkered with it & the old motor did run with it.

I’m not sure if I need to have it rebuilt, get a whole different carb or what. If I had a clearer picture of what the actual problem is then I think I could get somewhere with it.

Take a look at this & see if you can give me any advice for my next step because I’m just at the end of my rope with it.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: all aftermarket 79 Corvette with no experance
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2009, 06:24:23 PM »
Do you have one of our books yet?  That would be the first place to start.  There is a chapter on carburetor selection.

The 72 Caddy carb is a divorced choke carburetor.  Not really practical to convert them to an electric choke.....Cliff

Offline MrGoFaster

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Re: all aftermarket 79 Corvette with no experance
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2009, 08:13:23 AM »
I can get one & try to use it to figure out what carb I'm actually suposed to have. Once I get my hands on what carb I'm supposed to have do you think I could send it to you & get it rebuilt & or tuned correctly?

I don't feel the need to become a carb expert to learn & do everything myself because I have so many other problemes with the car that need my attention. Just need to knock this one out so that I can move on to the next thing on the list.

Offline MrGoFaster

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Re: all aftermarket 79 Corvette with no experance
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2009, 08:22:34 AM »
I have your book ordered & it will be here in a few days.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: all aftermarket 79 Corvette with no experance
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2009, 03:45:10 AM »
That's the best place to start, educate yourself about how they work.  Performance mods apply to all models.  Some models are better than others, the 72 Caddy unit is OK, and can easily support the power level of your engine.

There are much better choices out them, if you desire an electric choke, better float fulcrum arrangment, etc (more potential for big HP levels), etc.

We sell complete HP kits most carburetor numbers.......Cliff