Well, first I would suggest getting a copy of Cliff's book for some really good rebuilding advice! Even if you use it just to take it apart and put it back together. Lots of good pics! Next, the 17085000 is really not much different at all from any other Q-jet. Clifornia emissions only amount to maybe jetting and maybe a slower pump shot on the accel and maybe a bit more size on the airbleeds (leaner). Maybe the accel pump was different, the only difference I could think of would be a longer shaft on the pump which would yield less of a pump shot in the long run. (jus a guess).
Stalling could be low fuel pressure or a bad float adjustment, maybe even clogged filter. The pump sticking is probably a reaction to the alchohol in todays gas. Some Old carb kits did not have a compatible material to deal with the alchohol in todays gas. Same deal with the needle and seat. Maybe when this carb was rebuilt a year ago, one of these kits was used, Most of the kits available at the big parts houses are not really that good and who knows how long they have been sitting around, after all, how often do you think they sell a carb kit these days. Get a good kit from Cliff and you will get all the good, up to date parts. Good luck and happy carb building!!