Author Topic: What is special about the 17085000 QJ? (and accel pump question)  (Read 4771 times)

Offline JellyBeanDriver

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Helping out an owner of an 86' GMC C30 crewcab dually, 454, TH400, Calif emissions (she doesn't do any of the work)

Owner had the carb rebuilt a bit over a year ago which fixed the stalling at idle.  Runs great but recently has infrequent issues with stalling when in gear and throttle tip-in.

I noticed the accelerator pump after pressing is coming up quickly halfway, then slowly for the last half.  Guessing that sometimes it doesn't come up all the way and during these times is when it is stalling on her.

About to order some parts but seems the 17085000 pn carb is special?  I don't see much being offered for this carb.  Is it rare/special/ ???

Before I came across your website Cliff, I saw napa selling a non-Calif and a Calif version of accelerator pump.  Why the difference?  Will yours work in this 'California' carb?

I have yet to open this carb - it'll be my first QJ.  Any chance something else is hanging up the return of the pump that I should also put on order?


Offline omaha

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Re: What is special about the 17085000 QJ? (and accel pump question)
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 12:07:51 AM »
   Well, first I would suggest getting a copy of Cliff's book for some really good rebuilding advice!  Even if you use it just to take it apart and put it back together. Lots of good pics! Next, the 17085000 is really not much different at all from any other Q-jet. Clifornia emissions only amount to maybe jetting and maybe a slower pump shot on the accel and maybe a bit more size on the airbleeds (leaner). Maybe the accel pump was different, the only difference I could think of would be a longer shaft on the pump which would yield less of a pump shot in the long run. (jus a guess).
   Stalling could be low fuel pressure or a bad float adjustment, maybe even clogged filter.  The pump sticking is probably a reaction to the alchohol in todays gas. Some Old carb kits did not have a compatible material to deal with the alchohol in todays gas. Same deal with the needle and seat. Maybe when this carb was rebuilt a year ago, one of these kits was used, Most of the kits available at the big parts houses are not really that good and who knows how long they have been sitting around, after all, how often do you think they sell a carb kit these days. Get a good kit from Cliff and you will get all the good, up to date parts.  Good luck and happy carb building!!

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: What is special about the 17085000 QJ? (and accel pump question)
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 04:14:54 AM »
The NAPA accl pumps don't have the good Viton seal on them anyhow.  They are using a "soft" material that will swell up and cause the pump to stick in the bore.

We sell the correct kit and parts for that unit, when you get time, call the shop and we'll get what you need headed your way...thanks....Cliff