I have a new problem.. After sitting for a few months or so, I went to start up the car...
The fuel bowl had dried out by this time i guess .. Mechanical fuel pump... Got it going after a bit of cranking,
Then ran great for 40 seconds or so --- Then, fuel kept overflowing the top of the carb.. A lot of it...
Pouring out everywhere it could... Obviously running real rich.... After a few more tries with the same results over a few hour
period, she finally settled down and ran correctly after that initial fuel break in period... Then I parked it for another two or three weeks
thinking that would be the end of it... Cranked her over today -- Ran smooth as ice for half a minute --
then the wonderful smell of raw fuel overflowing the carb once again.... And a lot of it...
This is kind of dangerous, and I'm not prepared for an engine fire while cruising down the road....
Or for just jumping in and starting the engine and not having to constantly check under the hood.
And for --- Piece of Mind.....
Foam Float stuck in the down position, Not rising

Needle stuck open after sitting and refilling the bowl

Accell Pump
Too Much Air in the Bowl
Stumped after such a perfect rebuild and run earlier this season... And Thanks for all Your Help Thus Far..