Author Topic: The BEST Cleaning Method ?  (Read 21050 times)

Offline PMD1969

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The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« on: February 25, 2013, 07:17:58 PM »
I have a 68' Quad coming in the mail that will need a good cleaning and then a rebuild.  I also have a OE carb that I will want to do the same too after this one is completed.

What is the best (cheapest) cleaning solution and method?  I have heard of MANY liquid cleaners to use from Pinsol, Thinner, Berry's and on and on.

Which one of these would be the most economical, safe for the carb and parts and will clean the internals and external?



Offline omaha

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 08:43:52 PM »
   I like to soak the carb in some diesel fuel first. Warmer would be better but I don't know how safe it would be to try and warm up some diesel. Usually, the soak in the diesel would be a preliminary soak, then hit it with some high pressure water. Then, if you have a large crock pot or an electric roasting pan (they sell them at walmart) you could fill that with a mixture of water and Gunk-purple cleaner with the heat turned on but not too hot, maybe 175 degrees. you could mix in a bit of dawn dish soap with it also to help with the last of the grease buildup. Next would be the soak in the "carb cleaner bucket" like berrymans or gunk brand. Problem is the carb cleaner bucket cleaners are not what they used to be. Actually, the cans of spray carb cleaner work fairly good if the carb is not too dirty. You got too be careful with anything with strong acids as they will entirely remove any of the plating eventually. A bottle of "the works" toilet bowl cleaner mixed into some water in a bucket, barely covering the carb, will eat every single bit of rust, grease and carbon buildup BUT it will eat the plating right off til the carb is just a plain grey color.(probably would eat right through the carb if left in there long enough) Also the fumes are just killer, use caution and do this one outside IF you want to try this. Just horrible fumes that just have to be bad for you.
   Of course, you could send the various carb parts (main, top casting etc) to either a plater or to someone like Cliff that would put the parts into an ultrasonic cleaner, that is probably the bbest method.  I haven't tried the pine-sol yet but from what I have seen on the net, it looks like that method might have some good results.

Offline Ethan1

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2013, 12:32:25 PM »
 If you have access to an ultrasonic cleaner, that would be the best route. If not, the things omaha listed would be your next best bet. The big tub of Berryman's is good to use as well. May try a search on here for the right part number. There is another Berryman's out there that doesn't work as well.

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Offline PMD1969

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2013, 04:53:50 PM »
Post number 33:

Excellent thread.  The Berryman links are dead BUT I do know that there are two different kinds.  For cost reasons I am going to try Pinesol first.  I really want to find a Ultra cleaner since they can clean the interior of a carb better than letting it sit still in cleaner.

I have seen some Ultra's that cost $300 which is waaayy too high.  All I need is one that is just big enough to fit the parts of a Quadrajet into.

Do you have any idea if there is a cheap model that will work?

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2013, 10:47:46 PM »
a low priced ultrasonic cleaner probably wont do a good job. I bought one (A Kendal machine) that is big enough to fit my carbs/parts but it doesn't seem to have enough power. I paid roughly $400 for it, and I am disappointed. It is heated and I just use water and a bit of dish soap. Does not seem to work hardly at all. Cleans jewelry just fine though. I wish there were a way to give it some more power. I may try some other solvents in the tank to see if it helps but I  am not going to get my hopes up. A powerful ultrasonic cleaner would probably cost at least $1500 I'll bet. However, I am going to keep on with the experiments with my machine and various additives in the water. I know if you look at some ultrasonic websites, the sell specific solvents to add to the water that are supposed to be just for carb cleaning. Good luck!!

Offline PMD1969

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2013, 01:18:22 PM »
Do you know what the power rating is?  I am looking at one that is 48hz and the tank is just big enough to take Qjet parts.

Anyone know what power rating is needed to clean these carbs?

Offline Ethan1

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2013, 02:32:42 PM »
Do you know what the power rating is?  I am looking at one that is 48hz and the tank is just big enough to take Qjet parts.

Anyone know what power rating is needed to clean these carbs?

 Cliff would probably be the best one to answer that question, since he has a dedicated ultrasonic cleaner. ;)

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Offline PMD1969

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2013, 07:01:37 PM »
Cliff would probably be the best one to answer that question, since he has a dedicated ultrasonic cleaner. ;)

But Cliff's machine is an industrial one where as I am looking at something smaller.  I might just try to find some Berryman and quit trying so hard.

Offline PMD1969

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2013, 07:02:17 AM »
Bought a can of Berrymans #0996 only to find out that it is the California junk that is weak sauce so its going back.

I am now looking at a product called spray Nine Industrial Scrub.  I have yet to find it but does anyone know if this stuff is good to go?

Offline Ethan1

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2013, 12:22:39 PM »
Bought a can of Berrymans #0996 only to find out that it is the California junk that is weak sauce so its going back.

I am now looking at a product called spray Nine Industrial Scrub.  I have yet to find it but does anyone know if this stuff is good to go?

 Never tried the stuff. Another stuff I have used is Castrol Super Clean. Comes in those purple bottles at the parts store. Keep in mind, it will remove EVERYTHING. Including the plating on the carb parts.

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Offline PMD1969

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2013, 06:49:50 PM »
Never tried the stuff. Another stuff I have used is Castrol Super Clean. Comes in those purple bottles at the parts store. Keep in mind, it will remove EVERYTHING. Including the plating on the carb parts.

It turns out that the Spray Nine product is not available anywhere.  AAARGHH!!  Its okay that everything gets cleaned off since there is no plating on the carbs.

This hunt for something to clean these carbs is getting ridiculous.

Offline Ethan1

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2013, 07:29:35 PM »
 If you do go the Castrol Super Clean route, just let it sit overnight in the liquid. Then, wash it off with water.

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2013, 08:57:07 PM »
do any of you guys have access to repair shop or other garage.  20 years ago we got hot water washer. they hold 250 gallons and we put 2 1/2 gallons of powder(its sold by little giant )it smells like orange peel.anyway when were washing our parts we just through the carb in and 15 mins later it comes out clean. then we take the carb apart and put it back in .we also have access to a glass beader. i tried superclean .i think if you left it in too long it would the carb. simple green works fairly well.but it to tries to eat off the coating.i guess i have access to a lot of good things.hope this helps someone.forgot to say we run the washers at 180 degrees

Offline PMD1969

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Re: The BEST Cleaning Method ?
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2013, 10:11:20 AM »
If you do go the Castrol Super Clean route, just let it sit overnight in the liquid. Then, wash it off with water.

If I cannot find Castrol Super Clean would Purple Power be okay?  I thought that Purple Power was harmful to carb parts?