I went to my favorite salvage yard looking for decent core carbs. Came home with two; and expect to find others once the ground dries up and I can drive through the rows of vehicles instead of confining my search to a couple of sheds filled with carbs.
Most of the carbs stacked on shelves in the shed are missing the choke coils, my two cores included.
There are a batch of DualJet carbs, some of which have the electric choke coils still mounted.
1. What is the typical resistance of an electric choke coil? My ohmmeter shows anywhere from 4 ohms to multi-thousand ohms; I'm sure some of those choke coils that I measured were defective.
2. Are DualJet choke coils interchangeable with Q-Jet coils? I'm sure they are. The electrical connector retaining tabs on the coils on some--but not all--of the DualJets looks to be really huge. The mating connector must be a monster.
3. Anyone need a DualJet carb? This place has a dozen or more just sitting on shelves. EVERY DualJet I looked at had the larger venturi arrangement similar to the "800 CFM" Q-Jets. There's a DualJet 165 (looks like a '74-older Q-Jet including a full-size casting where the "secondary" side is blank--no throttle plates, and no opening air valve; a DualJet 200 which looks like a '75-Newer Q-Jet and has a similar full-size casting with the blank secondary side; and a batch of DualJet 210 which are similar to the '75-Newer Q-Jet primary side, but the 210 is a smaller casting that doesn't have the secondary area at all.