Hey guys, I know this is a covered topic, but I just need a little bit more help. I just got done installing a 200r4 into my 65 elky and now need some help on getting the tv cable hooked up. My quadrajet # is 17059206 which according to bowtieoverdrives is essentially a edelbrock 1903.Here is a picture of the linkage

and another from off the web

I talked with cliff earlier today, this an awesome place for these carbs, and he was a lot of help! That stud on the bottom was meant for a t.h. 350 kick down cable and not the tv cable. He talked about slotting the hole on the bottom stud for some adjustability as the geometry for a tv cable and kick down cable is very close. Here is a picture of a bracket that I bought from tci auto for the the cable to slide into.
the problem is that the plunger is already being engaged at idle and it bottoms out before I hit WOT. This is with the cable adjusted all the way out and so I have no more play in the cable. This is all with the TV cable hooked up to that bottom stud.
I have looked into the tv made ez kit, but to be honest, I didn't want to spend the $130 on a kit. What have you guys done to fix this. This seemed to be the place to go for all you quadrajet lovers! any help/ PICTURES (I love pictures!!!) is greatly appreciated guys!