Author Topic: Cant get new quadrajet to run  (Read 7035 times)

Offline CamaroMan79

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Cant get new quadrajet to run
« on: June 02, 2013, 03:57:23 PM »
First off this is an SMI stage 2 Quadrajet and Sean hasn't been much help with this issue hence why I am asking here.

First off my engine info:

383 stroker
9.8:1 compression
AFR 195 heads milled to 60cc
Comp Cams 282HR roller cam (.510/.520 lift)
1.75" headers
Edelbrock RPM Quadrajet intake
D.U.I street/strip dizzy
Timing at 16* initial with 22* mechanical for a total of 38*

Now on to the problem:

Ever since I have installed this Quadrajet the engine has absolutely no power.  I hooked up a wideband 02 on the drivers side exhaust so I could adjust my AFR.  Right now at idle I'm bouncing around between 13.5-14.7 so that's fairly close.  In park at idle the engine seems to run and idle fine and I can rev it up fine.  I have an adjustable regulator plumed in and I am getting 5-6psi at idle.

The problem is when I try to take the car (Camaro) out on the road and put the engine underload it has absolutely no power.  I cant even spin the tires.  As soon as I try to give it gas my AFR goes really lean up to almost 18:1.  If I let off the gas and coast it comes back down to 13 or so.

The accelerator rod is already on the inside hole on the lever so its getting the biggest shot possible.  This is the first quadrajet I have ever had and I have no clue what to do next.

I am running a mechanical Holley fuel pump and have an in-line billet filter with one of those small round mesh filters on the inside.  After the in-line filter my AN hose comes up the side of the block to my regulator and then the regulator is plumbed onto the carb.  The Quadrajet also has a paper filter in it behind the fuel inlet.

Not sure where to go form here.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 04:01:21 PM by CamaroMan79 »

Offline CamaroMan79

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2013, 04:41:24 PM »
One other thing; I cannot get any vacuum reading from any of the ports at the carb base.  I only get a vacuum reading form the rear port and the port for the charcoal canister.  The pcv has vacuum because when I pull the hose the engine speeds up but I never hooked a gauge to that one.  not sure if all this is normal or not on a modded quadrajet.

Offline TommyK

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2013, 05:38:01 AM »
Can you give us a little history on the engine in question? Was this previously running well with a different carb? If so what kind?

How much have you actually driven it with the new carb? Have you pulled any plugs to see what they look like?

Have you put a vacuum gauge on it? Possible vacuum leak might explain the 18:1.

I am not familiar with the cam but I would try fattening up the idle mixture with the mixture screws and see what that does. It may need more fuel of idle than it is getting.

Offline Shark Racer

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2013, 08:24:30 AM »
When you say "As soon as I try to give it gas it goes up to 18:1", do you mean, AS SOON AS, or with a bit of constant throttle angle higher than idle?

Very different questions.

"As soon as", means that you're not getting enough pump shot. Do you know what accelerator pump seal he used? How long ago was the rebuild? Have you verified that you're getting a very solid pump shot?

If it's with a steady throttle angle, then what you're looking at is a metering rod adjustment.

This of course assumes it's not a vacuum leak, as mentioned by Tommy.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2013, 03:31:33 AM »
What is the carburetor number?.....Cliff

Offline CamaroMan79

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2013, 12:10:47 AM »
Can you give us a little history on the engine in question? Was this previously running well with a different carb? If so what kind?

How much have you actually driven it with the new carb? Have you pulled any plugs to see what they look like?

Have you put a vacuum gauge on it? Possible vacuum leak might explain the 18:1.

I am not familiar with the cam but I would try fattening up the idle mixture with the mixture screws and see what that does. It may need more fuel of idle than it is getting.

Sorry for the laste responses, Iave been really busy,

The engine is a AFR 195 roller cam 383 stroker engine. 10:1 compression in a 78Z camaro.  I have lookedat plugs and they are solid black with soot still indciation too much fuel.  My val.alves are really carboned up as well.

 Before putting on the Quadrajet and quad intake i had a,  rpm airgap intake with a 670 street avenger.  It ran good but the Holley would always run rich.  About  a day before I decided to swap out to a quadrajet intake and carb the engine started idleing inconstantly.  Like up and down but only by about 200-300 rpms.  I could not find an vacuum leak anywhere

I put the new quad intake and quadrajet on and am having problems ever since.  i actually thought that i have a vacuum leak still this new intake so i took it off because I couldnt get anymore than 10hg of vacuum in park at idle.

I havent put the quad intake back on yet though Since I had my heads off to swap out head gaskets.

I drove the car with the new SMI stage 2 quadrajet maybe a mile total. It Falls flat on its face pops backfires I cant even spin the tires.  MY AFR goes crazy lean getting as high as 17-18:1

Offline CamaroMan79

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2013, 12:15:09 AM »
When you say "As soon as I try to give it gas it goes up to 18:1", do you mean, AS SOON AS, or with a bit of constant throttle angle higher than idle?

Very different questions.

"As soon as", means that you're not getting enough pump shot. Do you know what accelerator pump seal he used? How long ago was the rebuild? Have you verified that you're getting a very solid pump shot?

If it's with a steady throttle angle, then what you're looking at is a metering rod adjustment.

This of course assumes it's not a vacuum leak, as mentioned by Tommy.

As soon as I get it any load the AFR starts to lean out and if I get into the throttle a lill bit the wide band 02 spikes lean.

Offline Shark Racer

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2013, 12:55:59 PM »
Are you getting a pump shot from the accel pump? Which hole is the accel pump link attached to?

Offline CamaroMan79

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2013, 05:47:12 PM »
Are you getting a pump shot from the accel pump? Which hole is the accel pump link attached to?

Not sure about the pump shot but the linakge is on the outside hole so its getting the max shot.

Offline Shark Racer

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2013, 09:43:02 PM »
The outside hole is less shot than the inside hole. Try the inside hole.

Offline CamaroMan79

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2013, 09:26:03 PM »
My mistake it actually is in the inside hole.

Offline CamaroMan79

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Re: Cant get new quadrajet to run
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2013, 12:59:16 PM »
Ok I have doen some more troubleshooting today.

Sorry for the slow replies, I have been recovering my kidney surgery.

I talked to Sean at SMI and he told me to do a volume test.  he said disconnet the fuel line fromt he carb and stick it in a jug.  Start the car and let it run for 30 seconds which it should have enough fuel in the carb to do so.  Shut it off at 30 seconds and measure the fuel output ot the jug.  Said I should be getting a 1/2 gallon.

Well I did this and I am only getting 44 oz which is 20 oz short of a half gallon.  This was with a straight fuel line off the fuel pump with no filter or regulator.

I hooked that fuel line up just like that to the carb with just a fuel gague hooked to the line.  I didnt even have the in carb filter installed. I am getting about 7.5psi of fuel pressure.

At idle I can only get around 13:1 or so on my wideband O2.  If I rev the engine in park the Wideband shoots towards lean (around 14-15) instead of getting richer and the same goes for if I put the engine under load going down the road it jumps to (15-16:1)

If I turn the fuel adjustment screw all the way in the engine doesnt seem like it wants to die.  I also have the APT screw 2 turns out.

Still no luck.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 01:02:48 PM by CamaroMan79 »