Author Topic: Which to rebuild and confusing stamps  (Read 6368 times)

Offline HeathD

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Re: Which to rebuild and confusing stamps
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2014, 10:56:22 PM »
Okay got my junk lined up and now have to make a decision about which are junk and which are keepers for my project (going to rebuild 2 for my project - one for now as is and one for later when I get a few mods done as a spare).

Current carb (I think a number 1 was left off when it was stamped.


Which two would make a better rebuild for a mild 350 chevy with std heads, free flow headers (to be made yet) and procomp intake manifold.   Carbs 17084596,17085292(elec?) and 7058508 have the "bump" in the primarys.

Cliff what parts would you recommend to set these(my current one and the best candidate) back to suitable for daily use in addition to a basic rebuild kit?   I have no idea of their current setups or if they have been modified so best to assume they are not compatible and go from there.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 11:03:15 PM by HeathD »