Author Topic: Carb has been rebuilt with Cliff's recomended parts and kit .  (Read 4292 times)

Offline bober

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Just checking in with you guys before I start adjusting things ! 17080272 q/jet on my 350 pont bird and it has been rebuilt . So far I've adjusted the idle mixture screws and timing back and forth and driving it a few miles . It actually runs well all but when it's accelerated at a stop quickly it bogs down ,picks up again after that and goes good . Just can't get on it .  The instructions I have from the guy that rebuilt referred to this type of acceleration may need APT screw turned 1/2 turn rich or lean . Is this the direction you would go ? Just looking for 2nd. opinions .Thanks , I don't fell comfortabl about turning screws !

Offline Andyman

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Re: Carb has been rebuilt with Cliff's recomended parts and kit .
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 06:46:41 AM »
Hello, I am new here myself and searching for similar answers. I see that you posted 2 days ago and nobody responded yet. I'm no expert, but I have read quite a bit about how q-jets work. From what you describe, I think you need to know what is happening to the power piston when the throttle is opened. If you do in fact have an adjustable APT then I think you might want to record where the initial setting is before you make any adjustments. Mine is blocked off at the factory.

Offline bober

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Re: Carb has been rebuilt with Cliff's recomended parts and kit .
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2013, 11:09:21 AM »
Cliff's a busy guy and doesn't have alot of time for answers so sometimes it takes awhile to get one . Yep ;I do infact have one but I'll probably make the adj. and go from there .If it gets to bad I can always get a Holley LOL ! I've been making notes on all the adj. I've made sofar and this is the last one I can do , So it'll have to do or I'll have to go back to drawing board . The guy that rebuilt it has been giving me advice also . I wanted a second opinion as I've been trying to get this thing running rite for a long time ! Thanks ,

Offline 429bbf

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Re: Carb has been rebuilt with Cliff's recomended parts and kit .
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2013, 07:47:23 PM »
bober are you getting a good pumpshot when you hit the pedal? is the rod hooked on the inside or outside hole?go ahead and screw the apt up a couple of turns and see what happens .is your spring strong enough to lift the needles as soon as vacumn drops ? it all works together in unison.hope im not confusing you.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Carb has been rebuilt with Cliff's recomended parts and kit .
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2013, 04:35:19 AM »
APT has nothing to do with heavy throttle operation, just light throttle cruising.

Check accl pump shot, and air door tension if you are having trouble when the secondaries come in.....Cliff

Offline bober

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Re: Carb has been rebuilt with Cliff's recomended parts and kit .
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2013, 07:48:31 AM »
Cliff; The main problem is ;at a dead stop when I push down on the throttle it just bogs for a second or two and when it gets rolling it goes great !! That's about the only problem as of now . "CANNOT GET THE WHEELS TO TURN " LOL . I know , your going to say "no HP " Thanks for any suggestions .

Offline garybohannon

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Re: Carb has been rebuilt with Cliff's recomended parts and kit .
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2013, 05:23:48 PM »
 Snaping open the front two barrels would normally depend on a good accelerator pump shot of fuel, to avoid bog... Like Cliff said.
 Snaping open all 4 barrels would require the vacuum diaphram to let the secondary flap open in a smooth, timed, movement. Shove the plunger in and hold it shut with your finger over the hole, then let go as you count off seconds.  2 seconds or more should work fine.
 Also very important is the amout of spring tension on the secondary flap. Try 3/4 of a turn tension setting on the flap spring.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Carb has been rebuilt with Cliff's recomended parts and kit .
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2013, 05:32:48 AM »
Verify accl pump shot with no delay anyplace.

What is the choke pull-off release time, and how much tension on the airdoor spring?.....Cliff

Offline bober

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Re: Carb has been rebuilt with Cliff's recomended parts and kit .
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2013, 05:54:54 AM »
Been on vac a week or so and came back turned on the trusty ole computer and ZIP ; So after a few weeks I'm up and running with a new computer . The gas seems to flow good and the vacuum release is less than 2 sec, In the mean time I've changed the distributor out and made a couple adjustments to the carb and it's running better . I had a cheapie on the shelf that I purchased awhile back (Pro/comp) so I thought I might just aswell put it in and see if it helped .I set the timing at 12 and the advance screw in the vac adv, at 6 turns out. Not real sure how to set that properly . I had the other dist. set at arund 7 so it would start easier. Again ;I don't know why the old one would dtart so much harder at 12 and above . Right now it seems to run and start good but I can't help but think it should have better punch at take off. It may be all the better it gets as it's only a 76 350/308gear with a mild cam . It started out with like 165 hp as a 2brl .