Hi, I recently rebuild a 17059253. The carb stayed completely stock except for a little modifications to the idle system
mixture holes: .090
by-pass: .98
DCR: .052
I did not pull the tubes to up their size ( maybe a mistake ).
It idles pretty strong actually, but makes zero vacuum ofcourse.
The carb was put on a smog 7.5:1 mopar 400 engine with a horribly mismatched cam
dur. 274/286 lift .488/.491 on 110/106 ( someone gave bad advise )
Engine starts good, idles good, pulls good, response is good. everything seems good given the circumstances (

with stock jetting and airbleedsizes it read about 18:1 at cruise and 11:1 at wot.
I took the 73 jets and the 50 ( or thereabout) rods out and put in 74 jets and 43 rods. now it showed 13:1 at cruise and about 14:1 ending at 11:1 at wot. I put in 44 rods and turned the APT down to about 1.5 turns. now it showed 16.5: at cruise and at wot it started out around 14:1 and ended up around 12:1. I backed out the APT to about 3 turns, now it showed 15.5:1 at cruise and although starting out too lean it ended up at 12.5:1 at wot.
I cant understand why I have so little control over the AFR?
I can add that I remember now that I did not change the powerpiston spring to a lighter one...