Hi everyone I'm new here and I have a question about idle air bleeds. here's some info: My carb is # 17081227 which means its a 1981 Chevrolet. When I bought is the guy told me he took it off his 454 truck which it came from the factory with. Anyway I have a 455 Pontiac with a R/A 4 cam( moderate) 9.2:1 and stock converter. Ive rebuilt carbs before but just strictly stock and I want this one to match the engine. I'm following the "2nd recipe" and am confused.
Do I have a single main air bleed carb? I have no air bleeds on the air horn ,just in the main body and base. Can someone please guide me in the right direction? I plan to use 77 main jets and 50 rods with DR sec. rods and basically follow the whole recipe. I couldn't be happier with the book. Thanks in advance!
Ethan W.