OK cliff id like to start over I am confused and I could use some advice and clarification.
The carb is still the same 17057584. I now have an Edelbrock mechanical pump and a Holley pressure regulator. I still have a few remaining problems.
Engine details
454 9:1 or could be as high as 9.75:1 compression, the cam is a comp cams ENERGY 4X4 X4 254H CAM, Camshaft, Hydraulic Flat Tappet, Advertised Duration 254/262, Lift .505/.505,
if I understand things correctly my carb specs are as follows all measurements were taken by go and no go using # bits
idle tube:0465”
idle down channel: .043''
upper idle air bleed:.116''
lower idle air bleed: .076''
idle air bypass: blocked off
holes under idle mixture screws: .0995''
holes in throttle plate: .089''
jetting is 74 and 41k
this carb has an external adjustable apt screw
I do live in Calgary, Alberta at 3900 ft barometric pressure can be anywhere from 99 to 104 kpa
the tuck runs and starts great, but I believe I should have better performance, and throttle response that what I have. I ran the truck with 76 and 49 k rods but it was too rich. Right now with the 74/41k,I have a lean crackle on hard engine braking, but a much better throttle response and a cleaner sound at mid range. But it has a foul smelling exhaust on idle, smells lean and not rich. I can stall the motor when I close of the idle mixture screws. Right now the mixture screws are at 4 ½ turns out.
Some questions
can the idle channel and idle tubes be drilled with out removing them ? Is the restriction the whole tube ? Or is it just the end ?
What length of bit do I need ?
What is the max size I can go on mixture screw hole ? That is the hole perpendicular to the mixture screw ?
The picture I have seen of main air bleeds have a brass insert in the hole, are mine missing ?
Do you think I should install un-drilled primary plates and re activate the idle by pass air.
Should I just find a new carb ?