Author Topic: Choke & Fast Idle  (Read 2446 times)

Offline nero

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Choke & Fast Idle
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:54:18 PM »
Hi, I have a Quadrajet M4ME that I am having issues setting up the choke. The issue I have is with setting the fast idle. If I set the fast idle low (600-700 rpm) I can get the fast idle cam to move to the third 'step'. However when I turn in the fast idle screw to increase the fast idle, then I can't get the fast idle cam to move to the third step without excessive force (way more than the thermostatic spring could apply). So I can get the fast idle up but the choke will not fully close as it only will move to the second step and will not reach the third step of the fast idle cam. I have had to whole choke components apart and can't seem to find what the issue is.  Any thoughts?
