Author Topic: Choke Pull Off not allowing secondaries to open  (Read 7059 times)

Offline pontiaction

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Choke Pull Off not allowing secondaries to open
« on: September 30, 2009, 05:17:09 PM »
Before rebuilding my Q-Jet (17057274), I ran the carb with the choke pull off disconnected as that was the only way the secondaries would open.  I was experiencing a bog and read about it's importance in Cliff's book.  In test runs since the rebuild, I re-installed the choke pull off and the secondaries won't open.  I have no linkage restraints, etc. and everything else checks out.  The vacuum line is connected to the top vacuum source as shown in the book.  I have drilled out the restriction to as much as a 0.080 hole.   The vacuum does not appear to decrease enough when opening the bottom plates to allow the secondaries open.  Do I need to keep expanding the hole in the restiction and/or loosen the secondaries spring (which is currently at 1/2 turn)?  Anyone's assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Offline omaha

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Re: Choke Pull Off not allowing secondaries to open
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2009, 10:40:28 AM »
are you sure you are drilling the correct hole. It is not at the end of the vacuum nipple part of the pulloff. It is inside of the nipple, more towards the edge of the outer circumference where the nipple is coming out of the housing of the diaphram. I dont think it would be  possible to drill this hole to .080.  Like in the book, sometimes it is necessary to cut the nipple to access the actual "metering" hole.
 Does the choke pull-off move at all? (like when you disconnect the vacuum to it while the engine is running?
Another thing that could be causing it not to open is not the secondary but might be the choke itself or the linkage of the choke to the choke pull-off. The choke pull-off actual has two jobs of course. Opening rate of the secondaries and opening the choke just a tad when starting the engine. Some q jets had two pull-offs some had one in the rear and some just had the one in the front. So it is possible for one function to affect the other.   OK, this is just my .02 worth of what comes to mind, hope it helps.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Choke Pull Off not allowing secondaries to open
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2009, 04:39:03 AM »
Bench test the pull-off, it should open in less than 2 seconds.

The secondaries are mechanical, the air flaps are spring loaded. 

Make sure the secondaries are opening each time the throttle is fully depressed.

Check the link from the pull-off to the airflap shaft to make sure it isn't binding.  When the engine is idling, the pull-off should just pull the link tight for the secondary flaps, they allow for full opening when the vacuum drops off......Cliff