Author Topic: motorcraft carb  (Read 2154 times)

Offline 73ss

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motorcraft carb
« on: November 12, 2014, 03:11:53 PM »
I know this is a  q-jet forum but was wondering if anyone has a wet level spec for a motorcraft 2150 carb. I don't want to use the "F" word but I see there are a few ford people on here.

Kind of interesting. I overhauled the carb with a brass float and was having some flooding issues. I then put a plastic original type float in it and it took care of the flooding. You can run this carb with the top removed and the fuel level was higher with the brass float then it was with the plastic. Both floats set at the same dry level. I have seen some references to a wet level but have yet to find a spec. Carb seems to be very touchy with float levels.

I did not get parts or a kit from Cliff. Didn't think to ask being that it's a motorcraft. Anyone have any experience with these??

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: motorcraft carb
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 04:32:31 AM »
We work on all types of carburetors here.  For the Ford 2bbls we set the float even with the gasket surface no matter where the instructions say to set it.  Brass floats absolutely SUCK in this industry.  They are heavy, and we've had enough of them fill up with gas and sink to the bottom of the bowl to avoid them whenever we can.....FWIW.....Cliff