Author Topic: Experimenting with bathroom cleaner.  (Read 3263 times)

Offline omaha

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Experimenting with bathroom cleaner.
« on: October 25, 2009, 10:44:55 PM »
I  found a carb that I forgot I had. It came off of a truck that my buddy had "junked out" a while back.
 What happened is that some mice had gotten into the air cleaner housing, chewed through the element and made a nice little nest right on top of the carb. Naturally, the carb looked horrible and he went and tossed it on the junk metal pile. Of course, naturally I had to pick it up and take it home. I dissasembled it and tossed it in the old roasting cooker that I bought at the thrift shop and poured in some purple cleaner and water and set it to about 180.  It sat in there for about 6 hrs and I pulled it out. It was cleaner than before but some stubborn rust deposits still exsisted on the inside. I scrubbed some on it and rinsed and it started to look a bit better. I poured some tidy bowl in the cooker with mix and soaked it again for 10 hrs. Outside of carb was totally spotless and the original coating was not disturbed but the inside still had the corrosion. Some-what dismayed, I set it aside and forgot about it for awhile. Then, while at my friends house, I spotted some toilet bowl cleaner that they had bought at the dollar store called "The Works". He said,"take it, we got more." I took it home and just tried pouring a little bit straight from the bottle into the inside of the carb bowl area. All I can say is holy s%#t!  This stuff is seriously potent! I mean like pour it and run potent! It started smoking! Boiling and smoking! Note: If you ever use this stuff, make sure to use it outside and cut the potency with water. I'm not sure what gas it gives off but I'm sure it is not good. Anyway, it cleaned every bit of corrosion but it took off the factory plating also. Another thing I found is that it helps to have a bucket of water mixed with some baking soda to use as a rinse afterwards to counter act the acid ( I assume.) Then use plain water as the final rinse air blow dry with air. Caution, this stuff will take of the factory plating like nothing so if your trying to save it, dont use this stuff. Oh well, just my experience but like I said, if you try this stuff, use extreme caution and have plenty of air circulation. Dont inhale the fumes.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Experimenting with bathroom cleaner.
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2009, 06:54:40 AM »
Many of those products, floor/oven cleaners, etc contain muratic (and other types) acid, which is a great cleaning solution for caruburetors, provided you cut it pretty hard with water.  In high percentages it will eat right castings to a pile of junk in seconds.

Several years ago we went to an ultrasonic cleaner in the shop, and apprx 1 cup of purple degreaser per 5 gallons of water, and 1/2 cup of Dawn dish soap.  This has proven to be a very good cleaning solution, easy on the parts, and the folks doing the work.  We also set negative ventilation in the cleaning room, so we don't have to breath any fumes, etc.....Cliff

Offline jamesF

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Re: Experimenting with bathroom cleaner.
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2009, 06:52:22 AM »
I want to know how you "Happened to Notice" his toilet bowl cleaner!  ;D 
none the less, good tip..