Author Topic: Q-Jet worse after rebuilder  (Read 3685 times)

Offline 69ttop

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Q-Jet worse after rebuilder
« on: November 20, 2009, 02:17:09 PM »
At running temp and at idel the carb dribbles fuel from the primary boosters. By turnig the idel mixture screws out the dribbling and wetness on the primary throttle plates completly stops, i'm not sure that this is a correct carb operation and also if I drive the vett for a short time it is hard starting then with engine off and after 5 minutes I will see fuel vapor rising out of the primary tubes then gas leaks out the primary throttle shaft holes in the throttle plate on both sides and down onto the hot intake manifold. The gas sounds like it is purculating in the carb. When the engine is ideling and hot if i do a quick WOT a small amount of fuel will squirt on to the upper secondary plates from the 2 small holes that are forward and above the upper  plates. I bought this Q-Jet new 14 or so years ago and it is in like new condition with about 3000 miles on it. I just bolted it on the engine and made a small idel throttle linkage adjustment closed the hood and have not had to touch it for 14 years. I've contacted the rebuilder about this and he says it must be vacume problems.
By the way I put the origenal 40 year old Q-Jet  back on the vett to see if it has the same problems, it has none and runs fine.
The engine is a completly rebuilt '69 corvette 350/350 it has a Comp hyd. cam with 224 224 duration and .470 lift. The car also has a strong exhaust smell. The carb number is 7029207.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Offline jamesF

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Re: Q-Jet worse after rebuilder
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2009, 02:24:01 PM »
Here is an excellent post by Cliff to another post here on the forum where he discusses Nozzle Drip. Maybe this can help you?