Not sure what category I should post this under so hopefully here is OK.
I have a Carter 9635sa carburetor that I was rebuilding a while ago and could not get out one of the main jets.
I ended up breaking off a tab so I could not use a screwdriver to remove it anymore.
I then tried to use easy outs but it would not remove it. It would bite but a little then slip, I tried a few different sizes and brands with no luck. It was to shallow to use before it bottomed out in the carb to get a strong bite.
To make a long story short I ended up drilling it out. I was careful as can be but the thread's got a little damaged. I did run the tap through the hole but the "new" jet will not tighten up.
I left it like that as it is on a car that does not get driven that much and did not have money to spend on a new carb. It seemed OK for what I needed it for.
I tore it back down now to rebuild it again but wanted to see if there is something that can be done to help it snug up better this time but (still keep it removable if needed later on which I don't know if it is possible). Before it snugged up a tad but now it will not at all. I tried about 5-6 turns of Teflon tape which did not help at all.
I heard to use marine Tex.
Is this the correct way to go?
If so, I have a couple newbie questions.
Should I just coat the threads with the epoxy and the hole a little, to hope it has something to grab on to or fill completely and drill and tap?
If fill and tap is the right way is it critical on the depth? When looking down in the hole it is tapered at the bottom just past the threads, does that need to be at the correct depth to seat with the main jet correctly or would it be OK to drill deeper as long as I don't touch the bottom? I don't have any machinery to help with this procedure except for an electric driil or cordless drill

How strong with the new threads be with the epoxy?