I am working on adjusting a quadrajet on a 1972 402 chevy engine that I recently acquired--the quadrajet appears to be from another donor 17056202. So far have just replaced a malfunctioning vacuum secondary lock and adjusted to secondary air plate spring a little. It runs okay but is way too rich.
I put a wideband on the exhaust and it shows the engine is running at about 12.8 AFR at idle. When I pump the throttle it dips to 11 and then return to 12.8 or so when I hold the RPM constant at about 2000-2500 RPM (while in park). I plan to drive it and see whats going on at steady cruise, but my wife didn't want to go along and read off AFR for me.

The engine has excellent vacuum pressure--about 20 psi at idle. I turned the idle mixture screws about a turn in but didn't see any effect on the widband so I stopped. Perhaps I didn't turn enough.
It seems as tough it may be the APT Spring??? or the jets are just too big?? Is this something that could be adjusted using the APT screw? I plan to take the carburetor apart and rebuild it, but any advice or things to look for would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Carl.