Author Topic: Idle problem  (Read 29046 times)

Offline tayto

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Re: Idle problem
« Reply #90 on: March 09, 2020, 07:18:54 PM »
as long the gaskets dont rip you're ok. i wouldn't reuse them if they are old and crusty.

Offline dlphil10

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Re: Idle problem
« Reply #91 on: March 30, 2020, 04:52:29 AM »
Gave the QJET some TLC this weekend. He res my list of improvements:
1. Float moved from 9/32 to 1/4
2. Accel pump replaced although the old cup was I'm decent shape.
3. Blew all channels out, none were plugged.
4. Verified powerpiston hanger height minimum height by measuring length from hanger to top of jet lined up to the beginning of the thickest part of the rod. The rods were down right at minimum height, keeping them down in the jets as far as acceptable. I adjusted the hangers to be 0.015" above that to get them around nominal height and even on both sides within 0.002".
5. Secondary hangar height raised 0.015" to 0.645".
6. There was a strip of silicone in the fuel filter that got removed.. no clue how it got there.
7. Fixed the secondary throttle linkage and verified full opening

I haven't been able to drive it yet, but hope to do so soon and get back with you all.

Offline dlphil10

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Re: Idle problem
« Reply #92 on: March 30, 2020, 06:17:33 PM »
Car fired up after 2 pumps. It hasn't done that in a long time. I noticed my nozzle drip was back so I backed off the idle. I was able to gain full control of the mixture screws at 650rpm.

Throttle response is terrific upon tip in and part throttle. It seems like it has a slight sag when the power piston starts to lift, but it clears up with just a touch more throttle. I may switch from the green spring to the light blue one to delay the release.

I have a slight bog upon heavy/full throttle that clears up if I let off then get back on it. Sounds like I just need to tweak the secondary spring. It probably wouldnt hurt to adjust the kickdown switch either. The biggest ailments now are likely the stock torque converter for the 2 barrel 350 and the 2.78 rear gears.

Thank you so much for the help!